Evaluation of Inter-Korean Sports Exchanges and Cooperation & Study on Future Direction 체육사 : 남북 체육교류·협력의 평가와 발전방향 연구
43(1) 3-11, 2004
Evaluation of Inter-Korean Sports Exchanges and Cooperation & Study on Future Direction 체육사 : 남북 체육교류·협력의 평가와 발전방향 연구
This study seeks to determine the future direction of inter-Korean sports exchanges and cooperation based on the analysis and evaluation of such activities, with the understanding that a new outlook and measures for their development are required.
The purpose of this study is also to identify measures for stimulating sports exchanges and cooperation in order to overcome a disparity between South and North Korea with the ultimate goal of unification.
To that end, first, I examined the developmental process and present status of such activities: second, I isolated problems by analyzing and evaluating them: and third, I posited a future direction for prompting inter-Korean sports exchanges and cooperation based on the results of the evaluation.
Key Words
sports exchange, sports coorperation
An Analysis on the Drop Out Students on Private Taekwondo Academy 체육사 : 태권도 수련생의 퇴관 요인 분석
김용남KimYongNam , 조광민JoGwangMin , 이광용LeeGwangYong
43(1) 13-20, 2004
An Analysis on the Drop Out Students on Private Taekwondo Academy 체육사 : 태권도 수련생의 퇴관 요인 분석
김용남KimYongNam , 조광민JoGwangMin , 이광용LeeGwangYong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors of drop-out in private Taekwondo academy. This study also intend to develop effective strategy in managing Private Taekwondo Academy based upon verifying the differences in perceived satisfaction by their demographic characteristics.
In order to evaluate dissatisfaction factors of private Taekwondo academy, mail-survey was employed to collect a group of subects whose dropped out from 20 Taekwondo academies in Seoul and Kyonggi-Do. Subjects were chosen by convenience sampling, and 350 out of 1,400 questionnaire were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 version for this research.
Frequency analysis was conducted to examine characteristics of subjects, and also, independent t-test was employed to compare factors of drop out in private Taekwondo academy. One-way ANOVA was also conducted.
Important findings based on the data analysis were as follows:
1. The decisive factor of drop-out students in private Taekwondo academy was switching to other kinds of academy or losing an interest.
2. Preschool students showed lower level of satisfaction toward program than that of primary school students and middle school students.
3. Female drop out student showed lower level of satisfaction toward teaching style of masters than that of their male counterparts.
4. There were significant differences according to final grade, and subjects of less than first grade showed lower level of satisfaction toward teaching style of masters and program than those of first grade and over.
5. Fathers of students showed lower level of satisfaction toward facilities than that of mothers.
6. According to parents` academic career, there were significant differences. A group of high school graduate showed lower level of satisfaction toward facilities, teaching style of masters than that of college graduate.
7. Subjects in Seoul showed lower level of satisfaction in program than those of subjects in Kyonggi-Do.
Key Words
taekwondo academy
A Review of the studies of sports policies 체육사 : 체육,스포츠정책의 연구 검토
43(1) 21-31, 2004
A Review of the studies of sports policies 체육사 : 체육,스포츠정책의 연구 검토
Other than anything else, the significance of the analysis of the dominant sports policies exists not only in a point, itself, that with recognition of sports activities as a part of the culture of capitalistic society, it`s productive mechanism can be understood, but also in the respect that it awakens the necessity of a switch those policies.
Accordingly, it is considered that the effect of the analysis of sports policies might be revealed only when those policies are analysed in terms of the ideology of the dominant, social class, in such sports policy-making and other political, economical and social factors for the stabilization of domination which might be promoted on the process to materialize the political plans as well as in the aspects of the ideology and the system.
Thus, even if the sound analysis of sports policies is not the whole matter of the practice of democratic sports but if it is at least a part of it, it is judged that the sound analysis of sports policies might take an important role in the newly leaping process of sports policies which should be achieved in a cool, active method to meet the situation changes of the realities of Korean. Finally, it is urgently required that there should be the analysis of concrete plans materialized along with the empirical analysis of sports policies. In other words, along with studies through which the distributive courses until the passed proposals of sports policies by the dominant, social class influence the public are empirically analysed, the results of such studies should devote themselves to forming the base the knowledge related to sports policies by means of reflecting the finding in the policy decision-making system and thereby improving the quality and content of the policy.
Key Words
sport policy
Women’s Body in Leisure Activity 체육철학 : 여가 속에서의 여성의 몸
43(1) 33-40, 2004
Women’s Body in Leisure Activity 체육철학 : 여가 속에서의 여성의 몸
The purpose of this study is to examine and explore the women’s body subjectivity for searching a meaning of leisure experience in leisure activity. For this purpose, it is explored and discussed about the topic of leisure and women’s body in the Bourdieu’s concept of Habitus and Distinction. Second, it also searches for the overcome of social mechanism and viewpoint to the subjectivity of woman’s body in the Foucault’s theory of patriarchal power. Third, it is discussed about the consuming habit of female body in the aspect of class code. In general, we experienced the state of embodied and disembodied consciousness pursuit the restoration of body subjectivity through leisure activities. Finally, w should put the efforts on the seeking the real understanding and value of the female embodiment in the body-subject.
A social philosophical discourse on Mom(body) 체육철학 : "몸" 에 대한 사회철학적 담론
김동규KimDongGyu , 주동진JuDongJin , 김영갑KimYeongGab
43(1) 41-50, 2004
A social philosophical discourse on Mom(body) 체육철학 : "몸" 에 대한 사회철학적 담론
김동규KimDongGyu , 주동진JuDongJin , 김영갑KimYeongGab
This study is to explore social phenomena on Mom booming in modern society, and to lead a desirable thinking on Mom After looking into the historical fabric of positive thoughts on Mom and negative thoughts on Mom of eastern and western history, and 1 handle, so far as Mom is concerned, human identity, its least value, and tasks to go after in future. The results of this study were as following: First of a11, there is activation of sports industry. Mom is considered as kind of sports industry in modern society. Diet, fitness and health are important for people to get beautiful body and shapes. These fields have got into business and industries. It is expected that Mom is supposed to have an identification to realize value itself. Secondly, it is needed the revival of ancient humanistic physical education. Physical activities and physical education should be included in mandatory subject in order to improve culture and human nature for students in school curriculum. Physical education could provide positive factors into students improving and building up their character. Thirdly, there is the creation of Mom art. Without an effective communication through Mom, sports and art could not survive itself and keep up care for community which is to maintain the existence. Finally, it is needed that the activation of off-line community. It is important for us to realize the value of face to face each other. The contact of Mom is considered as best way in realizing human identification.
Key Words
mom, somatics, physical education, social philosophy
Froebel’s Theory of Play and Thoughts on Physical Activity 체육철학 : 프뢰벨의 놀이이론과 체육사상
43(1) 51-58, 2004
Froebel’s Theory of Play and Thoughts on Physical Activity 체육철학 : 프뢰벨의 놀이이론과 체육사상
Froebel, as a representative educator of the early nineteenth century set a high value on the educational value of play in infants, and first introduced play in the educational system as a method of children`s education. This research aims to inquire and to illuminate the theory of play and the thought of physical activities in Froebel`s work and thought.
Froebel didn`t regard children`s play as simply only a physical one, but laid stress on the spiritual and internal meaning. Moreover he thought that play was the highest method of children`s development, and the purest spiritual activity of man. Especially, Froebel knew the true worth of physical play. He firmly believed that physical activity was very effective not only for physical development but also for intellectual, emotional, and social development. Therefore, games or physical activities were very important in the curriculum of his kindergarten.
Froebel side that the physical activity, using the whole body, from infancy through childhood, was necessary. He also believed that a child`s posture could be straightened, and misconduct could be corrected, through lawful physical training. For that, he believed physical training had to be conducted strictly with the degree of training and training course connected with the spiritual needs of the child.
After all, we can say that Froebel was not only a representative pedagogist but also an unknown great scholar of physical education in infant physical education. We can say that his theory of play and thoughts on physical activity are standout these days, and they are very suggestive not only in preschool education or the education of children but also in juvenile education or adult education.
Key Words
froebel, theory of play, thoughts on physical activity
Soziokulturelle Uberlegungen zur Beziehung von Sport und Gesundheit -eine Kritik der sogenanten "Gesundheitsport"- 체육철학 : 사회문화적 관점에서 본 스포츠와 건강 -소위 "건강스포츠"에 대한비판적 소고-
43(1) 59-67, 2004
Soziokulturelle Uberlegungen zur Beziehung von Sport und Gesundheit -eine Kritik der sogenanten "Gesundheitsport"- 체육철학 : 사회문화적 관점에서 본 스포츠와 건강 -소위 "건강스포츠"에 대한비판적 소고-
In komplexen Industriegesellschaften steigert sich die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Sports fortlaufend. Diese Aufwertung des Sports steht im Zusammenhang mit den Normen wie Fitness, Jugendlichkeit, Kraft, Schonheit und Gesundheit. Wenn man den Grunden der allgemeinen Aufwertung des Sports nachgehen will, so darf die verstarkte Wahrnehmung des Gesundheitsmotivs nicht auβer Betracht bleiben. Der Sport stellt den Korper in den Mittelpunkt, baut eigence soziale Systeme um den Korpereinsatz herum auf und pramiert ko¨rperliche Leistungen. Auf der anderen Seite ist die Kausalbeziehung zwischen Sport und Gesundheit immer fragwurdiger geworden. Entsprechende Gegenbeweise fur die Kausalbeziehung zwischen Sport und Gesundheit treten nicht nur Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Disziplinen an, sondern man kann auch oft Gesundheitsschadigungen durch Sport sehen. In bezug auf die Ursachen der schon erwa¨hnten Gesundheitsschadigung im Hinblick auf Sport wird auf verschiedene Faktoren hingewiesen. Einseitigkeit des Sporttreibens, pauschale Bewertung ohne Hinweis auf Risiken und extreme Durchsetzung sind Beispiele. Das erste Problem bezieht sich auf die durch die Tradition der Korperdistanzierung bewirkte Ungeubtheit im Umgang mit dem eigenen Korper. In dieser Situation konne die plotzliche Freigabe von Bewegung durchaus unangenehme und fatale Folgen haben. Das zweite Problem steht im Zusammenhang mit Tendenzen der im Breitensport beobachtbaren Entsportlichung und damit verbundenen Instrumentalisierung des Sports. Diese alle auf der praktischen Ebene liegenden Probleme gehen auf zwei reflexive Probleme zuruck. Sie sind Problem der von unserem habenorientierten lebensstil herkommenden Objektivierung der Gesundheit und der aut Tradition herstammenden verengten Gesundheitsvorstellung. Daraus ergibt sich eine problematische Gesundheitshaltung. Die Beziehung zwischen Sport und Gesundheit ist nicht zwangslaufig kausal, sondem wir benotigen erst zwei Voraussetzungen fur die positive Konstruierung der Beziehung. Dei Voraussetzungen sind die Anderung des Bewuβtseins vom Haben zum Sein und die harmonische Gesundheitsauffassung.
Key Words
health, sport, sport for health
A Study on the Aesthetics of Taekwondo Demonstration 체육철학 : 태권도 시범의 심미성에 관한 연구
43(1) 69-77, 2004
A Study on the Aesthetics of Taekwondo Demonstration 체육철학 : 태권도 시범의 심미성에 관한 연구
This study is designed to focus on the aesthetic contents of Taekwondo demonstration. That is, this research aims to take a look at the beauty, aesthetic experience, and aesthetic materials of Taekwondo demonstration in order to look for the aesthetic factors of the demonstration. The following are the conclusions of this research.
First, the beauty of Taekwondo demonstration has a creative factor, which means that one can demonstrate creative skills on the basis of the established ones because the higher to skills are, the better the quality of Taekwondo demonstration is. And the harmonious beauty of Taekwondo demonstration based on the fact that all things can exist in harmony and that disharmony brings destruction. Harmony relates to a cooperative relations of contrast and unity among each and every factor and component of a form. Harmony is distinguished form contrast. The former refers to parallel arrangement of each thing with delicate differences. And harmony of cooperation and teamwork is of great importance. Second, the aesthetic experience of a player has been physically and mentally expressed in a perfect degree through the Taekwondo performance which he or she is in pursuit of. His or her will to perfect motions and his or her will to make the motions beautiful determine the range of action and can be expressed in the form of performance. The essence of the beauty of the player`s emotional expression should be strong, powerful and graceful. And the aesthetic experience of Taekwondo can be made possible through the conveyance of these feelings to visual sense. Third, the formation of Taekwondo demonstration can be expressed in a variety of forms based on the movement of lines. The patterns of line procession lead to parallel movement, retrogression, intersection, radiation and assembly and separation. In case regression movement, the starting point of two lines move in the opposite direction. In case of intersection movement, two or more lines cross each other. The points of Taekwondo demonstration include a variety of expressive factors. What expresses representative forms is to use united motions and Poomsae, which achieve a formation. The formation can be expressed with a point. The arrangement of Poomsae and the forms of movement can be delineated through the movement of one point to another. In case of team Poomsae, an individual movement starts and ends with one image in its center.
Key Words
taekwondo demonstration, aesthetics
A Study on the Physical of Education Philosophy of Ha-Gok 체육철학 : 하곡 정제두의 신체사상 연구
정재환JeongJaehwan , 이영일LeeYeongIl
43(1) 79-88, 2004
A Study on the Physical of Education Philosophy of Ha-Gok 체육철학 : 하곡 정제두의 신체사상 연구
정재환JeongJaehwan , 이영일LeeYeongIl
This study is designed to delve into physical philosophy in the mid-after Chosun dynasty and the dynasty witnessed tremendous changes in politics, society and people`s concept. Jung Jae-Doo(Ha-Gok), one of the remarkable figures in Yang-ming derived from confucianism is subjected to this study.
The study focuses mainly on YI-gI-RON(theory of YI-gI) in order to study human physical philosophy in ontology which is one of the concepts of Jung Jae-Doo.
First, Ha-Gok`s concept is characterized as a multilateral structure. In other words, YI and GI are segmented into physiology, physics, truth, jotong, and HO-YON-CHI-GI Having multilateral and corresponding structure means that his concept includes prevalence and transcendence between the YI and the GI. The concept is understood to be active and unique. Also, it is referred to be an active physical philosophy aiming at the truth from the humans` fundamental physiology.
Secondly, he established a relationship which links body to mind to issue and to physical by interpreting KYOK-MUL CH`I-CHI. Also, he recognized that the knowledge and action should go hand in hand. In other words, he recognized the independence of human beings.
He figures out that human itself is the subject of concept and action, which is different from that of western concept.
Key Words
yang-ming physical philosophy
A Critique on Contemporary Value in Physical Activity Culture 체육철학 : 현대 운동문화의 가치 비판
함정혜HamJeongHye , 김영선KimYeongSeon
43(1) 89-98, 2004
A Critique on Contemporary Value in Physical Activity Culture 체육철학 : 현대 운동문화의 가치 비판
함정혜HamJeongHye , 김영선KimYeongSeon
The 21 century is called the `Century of the culture`. This century has the characteristic that is not only multi-culturalism but also humanism. Although the conception of culture is hard to define, Willams proposes the definition of the culture as "a whole way of life." With the same aspect, the sport could be a physical activity culture. So Physical Activity Culture give a definition of "whole way of sport, exercise and physical education in our life." And Physical activity have some composition to be a culture. : conveyance, rule, standard and relationship etc. But there are some myths this culture in the contemporary society. First, Health as only physical sense is the most important. Second, What Lombardi is claimed to have actually said is "winning isn`t everything, but only wanting to win is." Third, Technical-centralism could make a whole person. This study aim to criticized three problems and to suggest the way of recovering value to a desirable culture. There are composed of three area in culture: the technical culture, the ethic culture and the aesthetics culture. Three areas have to make harmony with sport, exercise and physical education. Although the sport science are rapidly developing with all scientific areas, we still need to persist and to develope our culture in the area of new ethics. Technology advances in contemporary society at large are reflected in physical activity culture by the view point of man as machine product and matter. In this point not that we give up the technological advances but that we have to put the efforts on seeking the real meaning of sport as a physical activity culture. Now, which cultural value does we choose?
An Analysis of the Dances of Traditional Korean Dancers: An Ethnography 체육철학 : 한국 전통무용가의 무용의 의미분석 -민속지학적 관점-
43(1) 99-109, 2004
An Analysis of the Dances of Traditional Korean Dancers: An Ethnography 체육철학 : 한국 전통무용가의 무용의 의미분석 -민속지학적 관점-
The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of dance experiences in the lives of traditional Korean dancers from the cultural perspective. Total seven traditional Korean dancers who were nationally appointed as the human cultural assets were selected as the research participants for this study. For doing this, methodological and theoretical foundations were based on ethnography.
The research results indicated that the traditional Korean dancers perceived the traditional Korean dance as 1)a means for living and 2)a job in the economic aspect and as 1)the unification of body and mind and 2)aesthetic expressions of the body in the aspect of physicality expressions. And, in the aspect of personal achievements, they found the significance of the traditional Korean dance in pursuing 1) life goals, 2)courses of life and 3)sense of achievement.
For the meaning of the dance, 1) means for living, 2)job, 3) unification of body and mind, 4)aesthetic expression, 5)achievement of goal and 6)course of life were categorized.
It was expected that, in future, methodological approach to the traditional Korean dance based on these research results would be very useful in explaining and understanding the cultural aspects and situations involved with the dance in a wider sense. In this respect, this study will mark the beginning of the job to investigate the deep essence of the traditional Korean dance world and to increase its significance and value.
Key Words
ethnography, dance experiences, meaning of dance, traditional korean dancers
The Relationships among Aerobics Exercise Participation, and Flow Experience, Quality of Life 스포츠사회학 : 에어로빅스 운동 참가와 몰입경험 및 삶의 질의 관계
43(1) 111-120, 2004
The Relationships among Aerobics Exercise Participation, and Flow Experience, Quality of Life 스포츠사회학 : 에어로빅스 운동 참가와 몰입경험 및 삶의 질의 관계
This study was attempted to examine the effects of various sociopsychological factors related to the qualify of life as an ultimate purpose of aerobics exercise.
For analysis of this study, total 1022 subjects of 517 18-year-old female and male participants in aerobics exercise from commercial sports facilities, public sports facilities, and universities located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do province were sampled as experimental group and 505 female and male non-participants in aerobics exercise in the neighboring areas were sampled as control group.
The questionnaire was applied following standardization or testing of validity and confidence, and the effects of factors were verified by covariance analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis.
Findings of this study derived from the above process are as follows:
First, it was revealed that the participants and the non-participants in aerobics exercise showed significant difference in Flow Experience and the quality of life: the participants had higher Flow Experience, and the quality of life than the non-participants.
Second, it was found that participation in aerobics exercise affected flow experience: the participants experienced higher flow through release of stress, paticipation in aerobics exercise for their living, self-satisfaction and the quality of instructor among the sub-factors: however, it was identified that participation in the exercise for leisure affected negatively them.
Third, it was found that participation in aerobics exercise affected the quality of life: personal relations, social life and the their living affected negatively the quality of life.
Fourth, it was shown that there was cause-and-effect relation among participation in aerobics exercise, Flow Experience, and the quality of life.
Key Words
quality of life, flow experience, aerobics exercise
The Relationship among Life Sports Participation, Social Support and Mental Health 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 사회적 지지 및 정신건강과의 관계
43(1) 121-130, 2004
The Relationship among Life Sports Participation, Social Support and Mental Health 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육 참가와 사회적 지지 및 정신건강과의 관계
The purpose of the study is to find out the influences of life sport participation on social support and mental health.
Using a stratified random sampling method, 639 adults(334 life sport participants and 305 non-participants) who lived in Seoul, Daejon, and Chungcheong were selected from July to September, 2003.
Data were collected by using the questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested. One way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis method were also used to test the hypotheses. Each hypothesis was tested at the significant level of .05.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as followings:
1. Life sport participants have higher social support and evaluative support than non-participants.
2. Life sport participants have less interpersonal sensitivity, deprression, anxiety, psychotism than non-participants.
3. Life sport participation time per day has a positive influence on all social supports. But life sport participation frequency per week has a negative influence on emotional support.
4. Life sport participation frequency per week has a positive influence on interpersonal sensitivity, depression, and hostility. But life sport participation frequency per week has a negative influence on interpersonal sensitivity and anxiety.
5. There are significant causal influences among life sport participation, social support and mental health. Life sport participation has no direct influence on mental health in whole view of causal context.
Key Words
life sports participation, social support, mental health
Speciality of Sport Demand: Leisure Demand and Determinant of Sport Consumption 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 수요의 특수성: 여가의 수요 및 스포츠 소비의 결정 요인
43(1) 131-140, 2004
Speciality of Sport Demand: Leisure Demand and Determinant of Sport Consumption 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 수요의 특수성: 여가의 수요 및 스포츠 소비의 결정 요인
This study examined the neo-classical theory of economics and then argued about the speciality of sports consumption which was applied to this theory. So the result of this study is as follows.
Neo-classical economics analysis shows the way that the subjects of economy make the most of scarce production materials-land, labor, and capital- especially when the leisure consumption was analyzed. In the way of approaching to neo-classical economics, the correlation between leisure and income is considered first in a matter of consumer`s choice. In other words, consumers assume that they are under the condition which consumers have to chose different things -leisure and income- severally. "the new economic theory` of neo-classical economics present the way that all consumers maximize their utility within use time in a matter of labor hour and choice of the leisure. For example, in case of our country the class which pursues the quality of the life increases gradually due to the rapid economic growth. They are disposed to give up their income for their mental satisfaction. In other words, the more they invest the time into leisure, the more they satisfy with the utility. As the 5-day week was induced, the leisure time pattern of sports consumers was expected to change dramatically. The main factors which determines the level of sports consumption are the standard of living, intensity of sports and use time. In order to develop engaging in sports, there must be the stable income of fixed standard and the spare time for a wage earner.
Key Words
speciality of sports demand, leisure demand, determinant of sport consumption
A Study for the Desocialization and Resocialization of Olympic Medalists 스포츠사회학 : 올림픽 메달리스트들의 탈사회화와 재사회화에 관한 연구
전이경JeonIGyeong , 원영신WonYeongSin , 이재희LeeJaeHui
43(1) 141-151, 2004
A Study for the Desocialization and Resocialization of Olympic Medalists 스포츠사회학 : 올림픽 메달리스트들의 탈사회화와 재사회화에 관한 연구
전이경JeonIGyeong , 원영신WonYeongSin , 이재희LeeJaeHui
The purpose of this study was to investigate the phenomenon on the Olympic medallists’ desocialization and resocialization process. By using purposeful sampling, which was used in nonprobability sampling for qualitative studies, 2 males and 3 females were selected from six sporting events during the time period covering the 21st Olympic Games in Montreal through the 24th Olympic Games in Seoul.
In this study, reasons for retirement and desocialization included a loss of goals, marriage, pressures of competition, converting to second careers, and giving way for a younger generation of athletes.
Most athletes did not experience psychological complications after retirement from sports because they had been satisfied with their athletic careers. Social reactions were different according o the importance of each sporting activity but social responses did not vary by an individual athlete’s ability.
This study indicated that athletes had plans for the future and post-retirement during the process of resocialization but many of them had not made preparations. However, they did not have difficulty selecting second careers after retirement. Meanwhile, athletes tried to select different occupations according to individual characteristics or the degree of adaptability. During the process of adapting and facing complications, selection of second careers went smoothly but athletes showed some confusion during the adaptation process. This study also showed that the factors influencing resocialization were athletes experiences and public exposure. These two factors provided both positive and negative aspects to all participants.
Changes of Pro Basketball Players` Mood States and Stress Hormone According to Brain Respiration Meditation Training 스포츠심리학 : 뇌호흡 명상 훈련에 따른 프로농구선수의 기분상태 및 스트레스 호르몬 변화
Changes of Pro Basketball Players` Mood States and Stress Hormone According to Brain Respiration Meditation Training 스포츠심리학 : 뇌호흡 명상 훈련에 따른 프로농구선수의 기분상태 및 스트레스 호르몬 변화
This study was to examine profiles of mood states(POMS) and changes of ACTH and Cortisol which are stress hormones in 10 pro basketball players when brain respiration program is applied to them. The experiment was conducted by total 6 times for one hour per session though two weeks and the results of two measurements before and after the last training were analyzed. POMS showed a significant reduction in depression, anger and fatigue which are negative emotional states of six sub-factors before and after the training and vigor which is positive emotional state increased after training and showed higher level than the whole mean, but there was a statistically significant difference. And the concentration of ACTH and Cortisol showed a significant reduction before and after training.
The above conclusions suggested that short-term brain respiration meditation training was an effective training method to change mental emotional states and physiological stress hormone level affirmatively. Further, the future researches must analyze the physiological and psychological characteristics affecting mental health synthetically and develop brain respiration program suitable to the various items and classes.
Key Words
brain respiration, POMS, ACTH, cortisol
Students` Perceptions in Game Classes of Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학생의 게임수업에 대한 인식
고문수GoMunSu , 손천택SonCheonTaeg
43(1) 165-174, 2004
Students` Perceptions in Game Classes of Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학생의 게임수업에 대한 인식
고문수GoMunSu , 손천택SonCheonTaeg
The purpose of this study was to investigate the students` perceptions in game classes of elementary school. The participants were 30(25 boys, and 5 girls) sixth graders engaged in a target unit at K elementary school from a metropolitan city. Participant observation, interview, and students` impression of classes were conducted to the thirty elementary school students from a metropolitan city. The method of grounded theory procedures techniques(Strauss & Corbin, 1998) were used to analyze collected data. The trustworthiness of data was established by member checking, peer debriefing, and triangulation. The results of this study were as follows. The effects of model applied in this study was classified into four categories. First, the teaching games for understanding (TGfU) provided a variety of learning experiences about the promoting motivation. Second, TGfU broadened the students insight into the game, and promoted the understanding through the variation of games. Third, TGfU provided opportunities in the formation of affirmative recognition in the Intratask Variation. Forth, TGfU builded up the qualities of the games, and more appreciation of games.
Key Words
teaching games for understanding, TGfU, intratask variation
A study on the "Youth Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program" management for improvement of youth physical fitness 스포츠교육학 : 청소년 체력 향상을 위한 인증제 운영 방안 연구
43(1) 175-185, 2004
A study on the "Youth Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program" management for improvement of youth physical fitness 스포츠교육학 : 청소년 체력 향상을 위한 인증제 운영 방안 연구
As youth has showed emotional instability and special cultural behaviors to make a social psychological adjustment on new enviornment in adolescent stage, desirable maturity and development of them should be requried physcially, spiritually and socially. However, nowadays, right understanding and education of youth are not making by limited academic education and various harmful environments surrounding society in aspects of whole development of youth; increasement of nuclear family and deficit family, unconcern of their parents, weakening of educational function at home, and ignorance of individual competence and their ways for their future.
The future of a nation depends on the spiritual and physical abilities of youth and one of it`s main responsibilities belongs to the education of youth to be able to be a sound member of its society. Also, physical fitness is the factor representing physical ability and it develops explicitly at adolescent stage. The level of physical ability at this stage influences the health of adults very significantly. Therefore, considering the importance of physical fitness of youth, this study suggests the meaning of "Youth Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program" and the way of effective organization for the promotion of youth physical fitness.
For effective organization system of "Youth Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program", the basic objectives of organization, advices of management and its model were developed. Finally, the effects and problems occuring at introduction and management of "Youth Physical Activity and Fitness Awards Program" were described.
Key Words
youth physical activity and fitness awards program, management, organization
The Case Study on Trainning of the Off-Season for Professional Skiers 스포츠교육학 : 전문스키어들의 비 시즌 훈련 사례연구
김동환KimDongHwan , 김승용KimSeungYong
43(1) 187-197, 2004
The Case Study on Trainning of the Off-Season for Professional Skiers 스포츠교육학 : 전문스키어들의 비 시즌 훈련 사례연구
김동환KimDongHwan , 김승용KimSeungYong
The purpose of this research is to improve the skiing techniques of professional skiers during the season by studying various off-season trainings. Subject group consists 5 official demonstrators of the Korean Ski Instructors Federation(3 male skiers and 2 female skiers). The research illustrates, analyzes and interprets training programs currently followed by professional skiers and uses in-depth interviews, training plans of the national ski team, and previous studies as references. As a qualitative research, it employs a case study method to meet the declared objective.
The study has reached the following conclusions.
Weight training, jogging, cycling, and inline skating are favored as off-season training and they are recommended to the general public as well. Majority of the demonstrators who were subjects to this research agrees that inline skating is the best choice among off-season sports. They also encourage going abroad on ski training camps and image training by watching ski videos. Training took place 2 to 3 times a week, as often as 6 times a week at maximum, and lasted 2 to 3 hours each session. Strong will and motivation to carry out the plan is the most important factor that decides the success of off-season training. The importance of systematic training is also emphasized.
Key Words
demonstrators, professional skiers, off-season
Analysis on participation Motivation of Gymnasts in Japan 스포츠교육학 : 일본체조 선수들의 체조참여동기 분석
김명철KimMyeongCheol , 노영태NoYeongTae
43(1) 199-208, 2004
Analysis on participation Motivation of Gymnasts in Japan 스포츠교육학 : 일본체조 선수들의 체조참여동기 분석
김명철KimMyeongCheol , 노영태NoYeongTae
The purpose of this study was to investigate a Gymnastic participation motivation of gymnasts in Japan and to provide information with gymnastic teachers and leaders. The 96 subjects for this study were males and females. who are register school and gymnastic club in Japan Gymnastic Federation of Aichi, Nagoya and Ishin in Japan. The results of this study are as following.
participation period about Gymnastic participation motivation showed highest scores as 92.9% more than which the subject over 9 years after 17 age occupies. male showed high scores than female, with regard to external display in external motivation and achivement internal motivation, but skill development, enjoyment, condition, affiliation, and health·fitness was not showed difference. subjects aged after 17aged showed higher scores in internal motivation such as achievement than subjects aged 14~16 and 10~13, and 10~13 year old showed high scores for external motivation such as affiliation than 14~16 year old and after 17 year old. condition affiliation and in external motivation was higher in afternoon than in the morning and evening, but health·fitness was higher in afternoon than in the evening and morning.
Key Words
participation motivation
An Analysis of Game satisfaction and attitude in Understanding Approach Games by Their Type 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 이해중심게임 형태별 게임 만족도 및 태도 분석
43(1) 209-215, 2004
An Analysis of Game satisfaction and attitude in Understanding Approach Games by Their Type 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 이해중심게임 형태별 게임 만족도 및 태도 분석
In regard to many existing studies on learning via game, which have been carried out within the framework of traditional learning methods, this study aims to ① analyze the educational effects of learning via game within current curriculum as updated lately, and it also intends to ② classify comprehension-based games by their type to verify any difference in performance mind and analyze educational effects.
For this sake, this study selected 186 children its experimental group, who were all sampled from 5 classes at 6th grade in J Elementary School(located in Yeongwol city, Gangwon province). Then, the study applied game experiments to them in April, May and June. Here, 12-week curriculum guideline which would cover 2 hours a week(total 24 hours) was prepared for each game type to instruct the children.
Secondly, The results of analyzing difference in subordinate factors of performance mind between two groups showed that every comprehension-based game group felt more content with each game than function-based one in terms of game satisfaction as a factor.
In particular, it was noted that tag-type group as a sub-group of comprehension-based group revealed the highest satisf action at each game.
As a result of testing difference in attitude factors, it was found that there was a little difference in those factors on average between groups for each game type, but it was not a significant difference in statistical level.
Key Words
understanding approach games, game satisfaction, attitude
The Analysis of the Barriers to the Implementation of Performance Assessment in High School Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 인문계 고등학교 체육 수행평가 적용상의 장애요인 분석
김택천KimTaegCheon , 이충원LeeChungWon
43(1) 217-227, 2004
The Analysis of the Barriers to the Implementation of Performance Assessment in High School Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 인문계 고등학교 체육 수행평가 적용상의 장애요인 분석
김택천KimTaegCheon , 이충원LeeChungWon
The aim of the study is to analyze the barriers to the implementation of performance assessment in high school physical education. In-depth interviews with 4 high school PE teachers are used to collect relevant data. The collected data are analyzed by the case record analysis and inductive categorical analysis. The results of the study are followed. First, the barrier to the implementation of performance assessment is the poor environment or equipment for the physical education classes. A large number of students and the lack of class time are the obstacles for the performance assessment. Second, the barriers are difficulty of establishment on assessment standard and lack of teachers` reeducation. The administrational or systematical circumstances don`t provide the teachers the opportunities to train or recognize of the performance assessment, and this cause teachers to participate in the performance assessment non-actively. Third, the barrier to the implementation of performance assessment is the lack of teachers` expertise. It include misunderstanding of concepts and methods on performance assessment, and differences of teachers` ability on skill test. Not the teachers` expertise but the social atmosphere for the entrance examination is the worse barrier to the performance assessment. Finally, the barriers are unconcern of students on PE(or PE assessment) and the lack of parents` conception on performance assessment in PE.
Key Words
PE assessment, performance assessment, performance assessment in PE
The Study of Professional Concerns in Secondary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학 : 중등 체육교사의 직업적 관심사에 관한 연구
43(1) 229-241, 2004
The Study of Professional Concerns in Secondary Physical Education Teachers 스포츠교육학 : 중등 체육교사의 직업적 관심사에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to explain what concerns physical education teachers in secondary schools have in their professions, and how to react to and solve their problems.
To achieve the purpose of the study, I interviewed 6 secondary physical education teachers in Kyonggi-do to get a better understanding. also collected Further data from concerned literature and outside case studies.
The data are analyzed by case record analysis and inductive categorical analysis. The appropriateness and reliability of the study is compounded by means of a multi-angle approach, specialist meetings and review by the participants.
As a result of the analysis, most physical education teachers` concerns were: gaining a better professional environment, more job security(confidence in promotions, etc), more trust and respect from students` parents, having less conflict in professional relationships, having more free time for their personal lives and growing in personal maturity.
Key Words
professional concerns
The Relationship between Sea Explores of Korea Activities and Social Attitude 사회체육 : 해양소년단 활동과 사회적 태도와의 관계
43(1) 243-252, 2004
The Relationship between Sea Explores of Korea Activities and Social Attitude 사회체육 : 해양소년단 활동과 사회적 태도와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Sea Explorers of Korea (SEK) activities and social attitude. The participants were 5 students(2 boys, and 3 girls) in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades engaged in SEK activities at K elementary school in a metropolitan city. Participant observation, interview, and groups` impression of activity were conducted to the 5 SEK groups from a metropolitan city. The method of case record analysis and inductive categorical analysis was used to analyze collected data.
The results of this study were as follows. First, SEK activities included the rapport through the small group activites, and aim to build up responsiblility of SEK. Second, SEK activities included the cooperative attitude. Living together with colleague provided opportunities in the formation of more comfortable and positive attitude for solving the problems. Third, SEK activities made them prefer complex things to simple things and stimulated a creative thinking and made them to see familar things unfamiliar. Forth, SEK activities provided a variety of learning experiences and, in turn, induced achievement and opportunities of self-expression.
Key Words
sea explorers of korea, SEK, social attitude, group activities
Experience and Educational Effects on the Practicum of Sport for Leisure 사회체육 : 사회체육 현장실습 경험과 교육적 효과
43(1) 253-265, 2004
Experience and Educational Effects on the Practicum of Sport for Leisure 사회체육 : 사회체육 현장실습 경험과 교육적 효과
The Purpose of this study is to analyze educational effects on the practium of Sport for Leisure through preservice leader`s experience. The data was collected through in-depth interviews, it was gathered with seven students who participated in the practicum. The date analysis was used inductive categorical analysis. The study results can be summarized as follows: The institutions were fully responsible for the practicum management, based on the guidelines recommended by universities, which educate students of Sport for Leisure. However, some of the institutions could not meet the universities` demands and offered training for the students without having proper programs. There were three types of practicum in terms of content: instructing practice, managing practice, and meeting. By going through a variety of processes during the praticum, the preservice leaders learned about the way society works in general, after the practicum, they all agreed that the practicum had been a tough but worthwhile experience and that they had learned much through the process. The desired results obtained from the practicum were confidence on the part of the students concerning their future career, acquisition of new methods of instruction, establishing role models, gaining inner maturity. Meanwhile, there were self reflect.
Key Words
sport for leisure, practicum
The Pitching Practicing Course on the Driving Range Utilization Tendency and Customer Satisfaction Analysis 사회체육 : 피칭연습용코스 보유 골프연습장의 이용만족도 분석
남경완NamGyeongWan , 권욱동KwonUgDong
43(1) 267-275, 2004
The Pitching Practicing Course on the Driving Range Utilization Tendency and Customer Satisfaction Analysis 사회체육 : 피칭연습용코스 보유 골프연습장의 이용만족도 분석
남경완NamGyeongWan , 권욱동KwonUgDong
This research was taken in order to see how people from different areas and driving range facilities rate the customer satisfaction at each range. Surveys were taken in downtown Daegu, Kyungsan area, and Chilgok area. Fifty people from six different driving ranges were surveyed to give a total of Three hundred people surveyed. Their ages ranged from sixteen to seventy years old
The method of statistical analysis was done with the Korean SPSS Windows Version 10.0. This determines the characteristic of each user concerning marketing strategy factor of satisfaction certification. The two methods of certification were T-Certification and One-way ANOVA. This determines, their gender, marital status, golf budget monthly, and their determined satisfaction received, but does not include dissatisfaction. However golf facility, price, free time, and monthly income also have effects on the customer` s satisfaction.
Customers that use the pitching practicing course and not concerned about marketing strategy factors were analyzed using Two-way MANOVA. The results offered from these tests determine those in the highest satisfaction range. It determines the customer`s use of the pitching practicing course on the driving range as well as their experience, average scores, their personal goals for practicing, and personal style.
The average results for the most satisfied involved are that they use the driving range to practice five times a week for less than an hour each time. They have less than six months of golfing experience and have a handicap from ten to nineteen. Their monthly costs range from 150,000 won to 200,000 won
In conclusion it would appear that this group of golfers would be the key target for advertising in order to increase revenue of driving range facilities. It would also benefit the driving range management to include pitching practicing course at their facilities to
Key Words
pitching practice driving range, customer satisfaction
A Study on the Effect of Sport Spectators` Community Sport Events 사회체육 : 스포츠관람자의 지역사회 스포츠이벤트 효과에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYuChan , 류경희LyuGyeongHui
43(1) 277-289, 2004
A Study on the Effect of Sport Spectators` Community Sport Events 사회체육 : 스포츠관람자의 지역사회 스포츠이벤트 효과에 관한 연구
이유찬LeeYuChan , 류경희LyuGyeongHui
Sports events have carried out comprehensive social-cultural functions, and have developed through organization and formalization by having been infiltrated deeply through all over the society. Especially, the issues that what effect sports events achieve in communities can be a very important factor in vitality and the possibility of being able to hold sports events continually, and influence significantly the purpose of holding sports events. Therefore analyzing the effect of community sports events might be a crucial task.
The purpose of this study is to identify the economic, social, cultural and industrial effect of communities through sports events. The subjects of this study were spectators gathered in Daegeon World Cup Stadium to watch Samsung Housen K-league. Using convenient sampling method, 600 samples were collected, and of them, 527 samples were finally used for data analysis. Schematized questionnaires based on self-administration method were employed for the research instrument. Statistic techniques used to analyze the collected data were frequence analysis, and one-way ANOVA.
The results are as follows.
First, there was difference in economic effect of communities according to personal characteristics.
Second, there was difference in social effect of communities according to personal characteristics.
Third, there was difference in cultural effect of communities according to personal characteristics.
Fourth, there was difference in industrial effect of communities according to personal characteristics.
These results show that residents participating in sports events expect the economic, social, cultural, and industrial effect of communities. In short, they imply that sports events of communities can be used as a means of social interactional communication, and can have an effect on community development.
Key Words
sport event, economic effect, social effect, cultural effect, industrial effect
Development and Validation of the Korean Version of the Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS) 여가,레크리에이션 : 한국형 여가만족척도 개발과 타당화 검증
43(1) 291-299, 2004
Development and Validation of the Korean Version of the Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS) 여가,레크리에이션 : 한국형 여가만족척도 개발과 타당화 검증
The purpose of the present study was to develop a new Korean version of the leisure satisfaction scale by modifying the one originally proposed by Beard and Ragheb(1980). In order to reflect culture difference, this study was focused on process of translation. Namely 3 time - translation course have enforced(first translation, reverse translation, commitment translation). Statistical procedures included descriptive statistic, factor analysis, internal consistency. Cronbach`s Alpha was calculated to test the reliability of items and their internal consistency. Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA) was conducted to test the structure of each factors with principal analysis and varimax rotation Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) was conducted to test the factor validity of this inventory with LISREL 8.14 for windows. The results were appeared as follows, the Korean version of the leisure satisfaction scale was consisted 5 factors(social, emotion, physical, surrounding, education) and 24 items. After the results of confirmatory factor analysis, on the whole the index values was appeared fit. Suggestions for use of the Korean version of the leisure satisfaction scale and for further research are discussed.
The purpose of this study is not only to provide fundamental data but also to suggest plans in order to activate leisure activities for the elderly. The fact-finding and type of physical participation by the elderly in leisure activities were analyzed. The data were collected from 255 people over 65 enjoying activities such as; folk games; gateball; mountain climbing; jogging or walking in Busan.
This study used SPSS program(ver 11.0) and implemented x2 and one-way ANOVA analysis and Duncan test as post-hoc comparison test. Multiple regression analysis was performed to analyze the effect which motivation for participation in leisure activities on the degree of life satisfaction The results of the analysis are as follows :
1) Data on leisure activities according to gender : (1) The differences in monthly personal expenses according to gender were not statistically significant. (2) The differences in average exercise time per day according to gender were statistically significant. (3) The differences in frequency of participation in exercise per week according to gender were statistically significant. (4) The differences in average monthly expenses for exercise according to gender were not statistically significant. (5) The differences in persons accompanying for leisure activities according to gender were statistically significant.
2) The effect of motivation for participation in leisure activities on the degree of the elderly`s life satisfaction according to the type of exercise (1) The self-development(P=.275, p<.05), and health maintenance(P=.263, p<.05) in descending order as the motivation participation in folk games has strong influence on the degree of life satisfaction (2) More social intercourse(β =.391, p<01) as motivation for participation in gateball have a strong influence on the degree of life satisfaction (3) More social intercourse(P=.381, p<.05) as motivation for participation in mountain climbing has a strong influence on the degree of life satisfaction (4) The challenge for something new(P=.705, p<.05) as motivation for participation in jogging or walking has a strong influence on the degree of life satisfaction, while social intercourse as motivation for participation in these exercise has a negative influence.
Key Words
leisure activities, motivation, elderly’s life satisfaction
A Study on the Leisure Attitude and School Life Satisfaction in Satisfaction with Participation Fitness Class of College Students 여가,레크리에이션 : 대학생들의 체육수업 참여만족과 여가태도 및 학교생활만족에 관한 연구
43(1) 309-314, 2004
A Study on the Leisure Attitude and School Life Satisfaction in Satisfaction with Participation Fitness Class of College Students 여가,레크리에이션 : 대학생들의 체육수업 참여만족과 여가태도 및 학교생활만족에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the leisure attitude and life satisfaction and satisfaction with participation from fitness class of college students.
This study used an intensive survey questionnaire as the research tool. Subjects of the study were 350 students who randomly sampled from university in the seoul. Statistical methods such as multi regression analysis. According to analysis the conclusions were drawn as follows;
First, individual achievement and social recognition has turned out to be positively influential in the leisure attitude.
Second, there was the investigation the relationships between participation and life satisfaction. The individual chievement was shown as positively influential in the life satisfaction.
Third, there was the investigation the relationships between the leisure attitude and life satisfaction. Leisure attitude was shown as positively influential in the life satisfaction.
Key Words
leisure attitude, life satisfaction, participation satisfaction
Activating Plan of Bowling as Leisure sport for Junior High School Students 여가,레크리에이션 : 중등학교 여가스포츠로서의 볼링 활성화 방안 탐구
이만형LeeManHyeong , 이철원LeeCheolWon
43(1) 315-333, 2004
Activating Plan of Bowling as Leisure sport for Junior High School Students 여가,레크리에이션 : 중등학교 여가스포츠로서의 볼링 활성화 방안 탐구
이만형LeeManHyeong , 이철원LeeCheolWon
This study was to investigate the activiating plan of bowling as leisure sport program for junior high school students` leisure education. By using qualitative inquiry, this collected in-depth interview data and analyzed them in the contant analysis method. This study was divided three results. First, what is called, Development Acrivity(Gyebal Hoildong) which is involved with free leisure activity during school hours was a significant role and field in the first leisure sport participatioa PE teacher must consider junior high schoolers to feel good impression in development activity. Second, Creative Free Activity(Changoigeok Gaeryang Hoildong) which is used to the arbitrary teaching of PE teachers for students normally during 1-2 hours in a week was the importnat opportunity to develeop students` interests and skills for bowling. Thord, various marketng strategy for junior high school students must be invented for the developmental plan fo bowling as lesiure sport program in terms of psychological and physical positive effects, and sport for all for Korean Juveniles.
Key Words
adolescents, leisure sport, bowling
A Study on The Current Status and performance of Sports Facility According to Geographical Region 스포츠산업,경영 : 지역별에 따른 체육시설 현황과 성과에 관한 연구
43(1) 335-347, 2004
A Study on The Current Status and performance of Sports Facility According to Geographical Region 스포츠산업,경영 : 지역별에 따른 체육시설 현황과 성과에 관한 연구
This study attempted to analyse the present situation and performance of public, private, school and village athletic facilities of the wide-area autonomous entity as part of presenting the reasonableness of athletic facility supply policy. The scope of analysis was intended for wide-area autonomous entities across the country. To collect data, this study used the public, private, school and village athletic facilities of the wide-area autonomous entity with 2001 as the basis. The wide-area autonomous entity refers to Seoul city, 5 megalopolis(Busan, Daegu, Inchon, Kwangju, Deajon) and nine provinces, and this study conducted analysis by including the megalopolis of Ulsan in South Kyungsang Province.
An attempt was made to analyse the number of public athletic facilities per 100,000 people by city in 2002 As a result, it was found that Kyonggi Province, South Kyungsang Province. Seoul and Kangwon Province had the high distribution of specialized athletic facilities. Comparison of the number of private athletic facilities showed that all of registered and reported athletic facilities occupied the absolute number in Kyonggi Province and Seoul.
According to materials published in 1998 and 2002 on sport-for-all facilities, Seoul, Inchon, Kyonggi Province, Kangwon Province, North Chungcheong Province, Kyungsang Province and South Kyungsang Province showed the area of more than 1,000,000m. In terms of the size for people`s sport for all, the great deviation was not shown.
In conclusion, it is thought that Korean government need to focus a new vision on providing for an alternative to enhance the degree of using the idle space of existing public athletic facilities while continuing to implement the policy for facility expansion plan The idle space of public athletic facilities or the public land never requiring the land compensation expense in promoting the remodeling of existing facilities are comparatively well equipped with infrastructure and do not need any change of form and quality. Moreover, thanks to the expansion of the urban district most facilities have good accessibility.
Therefore, if those facilities are remodelled to suit local residents` changed demand and tastes, they can not only be practically used as the sports resources of the very valuable district but also evaluated as the space of high potential that can function as the open space useful for fostering the urban green environment.
Key Words
sport facility, public athletic facility, geographical region, remodeling
The Relationship between Tourist Motives of Sport Event, Tourist Resort Image, and Tourist Development 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠이벤트 관광동기와 관광지이미지 및 관광개발과의 관계
김용만KimYongMan , 이계석LeeGyeSeog , 이준원LeeJunWon
43(1) 349-358, 2004
The Relationship between Tourist Motives of Sport Event, Tourist Resort Image, and Tourist Development 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠이벤트 관광동기와 관광지이미지 및 관광개발과의 관계
김용만KimYongMan , 이계석LeeGyeSeog , 이준원LeeJunWon
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between motive factors for sports events tour, tourist resort image, and tourist development. Objects for the research were the spectators who are high school students and older persons and came to watch the football game between Eindhoven and LA Galaxy teams during ‘Peace Cup 2003 Korea Games’, and SPSSWIN Ver. 10.0 was used for data processing. In order to examine the relationship between the motives for sport event tour, tourist resort image and tourist development, multiple regression analysis method was used. Based on the above research method and procedures, the following results were obtained:
First, ‘socialization motive’ only among down level factors for the motives of sport event tour appears to have influence on ‘pleasantness’ which is also down level factor of tourist resort image. Second, ‘curiosity motive’ and ‘adventure motive’ appear to have influence on ‘marvelousness’. Third, ‘curiosity motive’ and ‘adventure motive’ appear to have influence on ‘accessibility’. Fourth, ‘adventure motive’ appears to have influence on ‘expense factor’. Fifth, ‘socialization motive’ and ‘tension release motive’ appear to have influence on ‘positive urban development’. Sixth, ‘marvelousness motive’ appears to have influence on ‘development of tourist resort image’, ‘regional tourism development’ and ‘negative urban development’. Seventh, ‘marvelousness’, ‘accessibility’, and ‘expense factor’ among tourist resort image appear to have influence on ‘negative urban development’. Eighth, ‘expense factor’ and ‘attractiveness factor’ appear to have influence on ‘the development of tourist resort image’. And lastly and ninthly, ‘expense factor’ and ‘attractiveness factor’ appear to have influence on ‘the regional urban development’ as well.
Key Words
sport event, tourist motive, tourist resort image, tourist development
Comparative Study on the Influence of the Model Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser and Famous Entertainer on Purchase Behavior 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠보증인과 유명연예인의 모델속성이 구매행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교 연구
김용만KimYongMan , 이준원LeeJunWon , 이계석LeeGyeSeog
43(1) 359-372, 2004
Comparative Study on the Influence of the Model Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser and Famous Entertainer on Purchase Behavior 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠보증인과 유명연예인의 모델속성이 구매행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교 연구
김용만KimYongMan , 이준원LeeJunWon , 이계석LeeGyeSeog
The purpose of this study was to compare the cause-effect relationship between the advertisement utilizing celebrity athlete endorser and that utilizing famous entertainer. That is to say, it is to examine as to what kinds of cause-effect relationship between model attributes of celebrities, attitudes toward advertisement(Aad), attitude toward product(AP), corporate image(CI), purchase intention(PI) and recommendation intention(RI). In order to achieve this objective, university students were chosen as subjects for survey and total 420 students were selected through convenience sampling method. 395 cases were selected out of total 420 questionnaires and data processing was done using SPSSWIN version 10.0 and AMDS 4.0. The results are as follows:
First, attractiveness among the model attributes appears to have positive influence on the Aad both in the case of celebrity athlete endorser as well as famous entertainer. Second, celebrity athlete endorser appear to have influence on AP and famous entertainer appear to have influence on professionalism and trustworthiness. Third, in the case of celebrity athlete endorser, trustworthiness and professionalism out of model attributes appears to have influence on CI. However, in the case of famous entertainer, trustworthiness appears to have positive influence but negative influence on professionalism Fourth, celebrity athlete endorser appear to have influence on Aad. However, famous entertainer` Aad appear not to have influence on AP. Fifth, in the case of celebrity athlete endorser, Aad appears not to have influence on the CI but it was positive in the case of famous entertainer. Sixth, in the case of celebrity athlete endorser, AP appear to have influence on CI but not significant influence in the case of famous entertainer. Seventh, Aad of both celebrity athlete endorser and famous entertainer appear to have positive influence on purchase intention. Fifth, in the case of both celebrity athlete endorser and famous entertainer, AP appear to have positive influence on PI. Ninth, in the case of both celebrity athlete endorser and famous entertainer, the G appears to have positive influence on PL Tenth, in the case of celebrity athlete endorser, AP appears not to have significant influence on RI. However, in the case of famous entertainer, AP appear to have significant influence on RI. And lastly, in the case of both celebrity athlete endorser and famous entertainer, PI appears to have positive RI.
The Analysis of Sport-for-all Program Operation of Resident Autonomous Center and It`s Development Plan 스포츠산업,경영 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육프로그램 운영실태분석과 발전방안
김현석KimHyeonSeog , 김종KimJong , 고재곤GoJaeGon
43(1) 373-383, 2004
The Analysis of Sport-for-all Program Operation of Resident Autonomous Center and It`s Development Plan 스포츠산업,경영 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육프로그램 운영실태분석과 발전방안
김현석KimHyeonSeog , 김종KimJong , 고재곤GoJaeGon
This study attempted to activate the functional establishment and operational activation of the resident autonomous center by analyzing the operational realities of the sport-for-all program operated by the resident autonomous center so that it might meet residents` demand for sports and expand their participation in sport for all.
First of all, an attempt was made to analyze the operational realities of the sport-for-all program of the resident autonomous center. As a result, the following findings were obtained:
First, there were the insufficient kinds of sport-for-all programs and the overlapping of sport-for-all programs with other institutions. Second, there was the poor diversity of customers and of the operational time zone of the resident autonomous center. Third, there was the difficulty in securing voluntary service providers in charge of the operation and the other voluntary service workers. Fourth, there were such problems as the poor condition of the sport facility and the absence of the evaluation system
Therefore, this study attempted to present the following suggestions to supplement these problems and activate the sport-for-all programs of resident autonomous centers further:
First to construct the local network and differentiate the operation of the program Second, to operate the resident autonomous center flexibly to expand residents` participation. Third, to construct the recruitment and management system of voluntary service providers. Fourth, to construct the operation evaluation system of the resident autonomous center. Fifth, to activate the club.
Key Words
resident autonomous center, sport-for-all program
A Study on Strategies for Ameliorating Annual Advertisement Sales System for TV Sports Programs 스포츠산업,경영: TV 스포츠 프로그램 연간스포츠 광고판매 개선방안 연구
심우택SimUTaeg , 조광민JoGwangMin , 진지형JinJiHyeong
43(1) 385-395, 2004
A Study on Strategies for Ameliorating Annual Advertisement Sales System for TV Sports Programs 스포츠산업,경영: TV 스포츠 프로그램 연간스포츠 광고판매 개선방안 연구
심우택SimUTaeg , 조광민JoGwangMin , 진지형JinJiHyeong
In as much as it can not merely secure a great number of televiewers within a short period of time but also lead them to glue to the television set with varied spectacles, a television sportscasting benefits corresponding enterprises and broadcasting companies as well as to sports motive forces, including those athletes, teams, leagues, sports meeting organizing committees concerned. A broadcasting company is able to be compensated not only with its advertisement proceeds but also with its audience rating. Furthermore, a sports promoter company enhances its financial independence with its relay broadcast right commission, while advertised companies can secure an opportunity for promotion and enhancement of their enterprise image via the advertisement and sports sponsorship.
Sports program advertisement in Korea is being sold not in the program-unit-based form of sale but in the annual sports program form of sale. Notwithstanding that the annual sports program form has a number of merits, including the broadcasting company`s security of stable financial resources, the advertiser`s security of annual advertisement hours, etc., a sudden increase in relay broadcast rights fee and sports motive forces` formal sponsor protection provisions, etc. today are threatening the existence of annual sports programs. The recent rapid increase in the relay broadcast rights fee rose to the extend that broadcasting companies are unable to bear it with their monthly sales based on the annual sports programs, which makes it hard to sell by a flat rate annual system through KOBACO, as stipulated in the sponsor protection provisions specifying the right of advertisement priority and product exclusive right.
That is to say, a new paradigm with which the three main motive forces can share mutual interests is expected to emerge out of the advertisement rate fixing and sales based on the value of the sports programs.
Key Words
annual advertisement sales system, TV sports programs
Study on the Service Quality and Consequences of Commercial Sport Facility 스포츠산업,경영 : 상업스포츠 시설의 서비스 품질과 기대효과에 관한 연구
오현환OHyeonHwan , 변경원ByeonGyeongWon
43(1) 397-407, 2004
Study on the Service Quality and Consequences of Commercial Sport Facility 스포츠산업,경영 : 상업스포츠 시설의 서비스 품질과 기대효과에 관한 연구
오현환OHyeonHwan , 변경원ByeonGyeongWon
The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction caused by expectation effect.
The subjects of this study were selected with 6 sports centers which is managing their facilities commercially with over 3kinds programs, which are located on Seoul City. The sampling was made through the convenience sampling method. Out of 360, 301 data were selected for analysis.
This study were questionnaire developed by combing and modifying those that service quality by Park Dong-Kyun(2002), Park Jung-Hwan(1998), Cho Jae-Ki, Kim Kyung-Doo and perceived value by Bojanic(1996), Park Dong-Kyun(2002) and customer satisfaction developed by Binter(1990) and used Kim Ri-Aa(2003), Lee Seung-chul(2002).
Analyses of data were performed by using SPSS Win Version 10.0 and by employing frequency analysis, factor analysis, simple regression, multiple regression. The results are as follows:
First, among the factors of service quality in the system factor, person factor, physical factor showed influence on perceived value.
Second, among the factors of service quality, perceived value showed influence on customer`s satisfaction.
Third, service quality, through the perceived value, customer`s satisfaction showed exert an in·directly influence on the subjective quality of life.
Fourth, service qualify, through the perceived value, customer`s satisfaction showed exert an indirectly and directly influence on the continue intention.
Key Words
service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, consequences
A Study on Evaluation of Value of Korean Professional Baseball Clubs through Media Value 스포츠산업,경영 : 미디어 가치를 통한 프로야구단 가치평가 연구
이성민LeeSeongMin , 조용찬JoYongChan
43(1) 409-416, 2004
A Study on Evaluation of Value of Korean Professional Baseball Clubs through Media Value 스포츠산업,경영 : 미디어 가치를 통한 프로야구단 가치평가 연구
이성민LeeSeongMin , 조용찬JoYongChan
The purpose of the study research was to appropriate value of reasonable Professional Baseball Club through media exposure index investigation Media exposure index estimation used newspaper exposure analysis method by classified club and newspaper, investigation target, limited by Professional Baseball article which was printed in sports page of 5 sports dailies and 10 synthesis dailies. After media exposure index imposed weight of each 50% in report frequency and report area, the result was as following.
First of all, the relative value of Professional Baseball was available quantification. Relative value of classified by Professional Baseball Clubs could do quantification by brand image index, which this research has defined. Also, according to interrelation analysis of numerical value which is derived in index production formula, we can explain that as media exposure index is high, value is high
Secondly, media exposure index appeared high as team result is high. This truth was proving what 4 team`s media exposure indexes were appeared to more than 90 points among high position 5 teams which percentage of victories was high except Hyun Dai baseball team. This truth that this index which was decided by sporting newspaper report`s report frequency and area was receiving big effect in team results agrees with general customs.
Through this research, hereafter, as adopting profit maximization model escaping in percentage of victories maximization model when professional club which was situated in definite point of inspection sports industry keep the balance in the black , activation of domestic sports industry can be made fast. If the time were advanced, Professional Baseball Club would have to be operated focusing on club value rising.
Key Words
media value, media exposure Index, sporting newspaper
Halo effect of 2002 FIFA WorldCup Korea/Japan; CUⓐK-League 스포츠산업,경영 : 2002년 한/일 월드컵의 후광효과; CUⓐK-League
43(1) 417-424, 2004
Halo effect of 2002 FIFA WorldCup Korea/Japan; CUⓐK-League 스포츠산업,경영 : 2002년 한/일 월드컵의 후광효과; CUⓐK-League
The purpose of this study was to examine halo effect of 2002 FIFA WorldCup Korea/japan. I attempted to compare the degree or involvement in 20002 WorldCup and involvement in professional soccer of korea. To achieve this aims, The subject collected 408 open cyber university l-14th June, 2003.
The questionnaire of WorldCup involvement(WI) and Professional soccer involvement(PT) was measured by Chon(1998). Kim(2002). The data were analyzed by the frequency analysis, paired-sample t-test, simple regression analysis using SPSS 10.0. The results can be summarized as follows
First. Most of the respondent basking in the reflect red devils(korean supporter). but they were not changed the korea professional soccer supporter after 2002 WorldCup Korea/Japan.
Second. WI a significant positive effect on PI. That is, There are seems to be the halo effect of 2002 WorldCup Korea/Japan.
Key Words
halo effect, involvement, worldcup soccer, professional soccer
The Effects of Service Quality on Service Loyalty in Public Sport Centers 스포츠산업,경영 : 공공 스포츠센터의 서비스품질이 서비스충성도에 미치는 영향
이승철LeeSeungCheol , 신충식SinChungSig
43(1) 425-433, 2004
The Effects of Service Quality on Service Loyalty in Public Sport Centers 스포츠산업,경영 : 공공 스포츠센터의 서비스품질이 서비스충성도에 미치는 영향
이승철LeeSeungCheol , 신충식SinChungSig
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of service quality on customers satisfaction and service loyalty in public sport centers. Subjects were 307 customers who have participated in public sport centers which are used the convenience sampling method. The questionnaire for this study were reorganized to this study "quesionnaire for the public sport facilities" developed by Huh(1997). also, customer satisfaction was measured by Oliver & Swan(1989), Service loyalty was measured by Kang et al., (2002).
The data were analyzed by the simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 10.0. The results are as follow.
First, Among the factors of service qualities in the public sport centers, main facilities, program, instructor, employee showed affirmative effect on customer satisfaction.
Second, Among the factors of service qualities in the public sport centers, main facilities, program, instructor, showed affirmative effect on customer satisfaction.
Third, customer satisfaction effect on service loyalty.
Key Words
public sport center, service quality, service loyalty
The Evaluation of Service Quality on the Web site of Professional Sports 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로스포츠 웹사이트(Web site) 서비스 품질 평가
43(1) 435-444, 2004
The Evaluation of Service Quality on the Web site of Professional Sports 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로스포츠 웹사이트(Web site) 서비스 품질 평가
The purpose of this study was to develop a Web site of Korean professional sports and hand out the contribution to give foundational data and information about it on paper.
For this purpose, the paper was carried out with the literature & proof research methods. This study was based on 83 fan who had visited the Web site on the Football· Baseball· Basketball league among the Korean major professional league. The estimation measurement tool was modified and utilized for this study. The tool was developed by exploration factor analysis(EFA) and it’s composition consisted of four category dimension factors as follows; Information·Easiness· Concentration of mind · communication factors This study analyzed the collected data by Descriptive statistics, Factor analysis, one way ANOVA, Regression analysis and so forth.
The assesment of the web site of Korean professional sports was performed with split into two categories by the fans. One was behavioral character through with Duration time, Visit frequency, Page views frequency and the other was consciousness through the whole valuation of the web sites.
The result indicated as follow. The first; The mean of duration time was 23.45 (SD=2Z5)minute per one time, The mean of visiting frequency was 7.29(SD=6.41) times per a week and The mean of page views frequency was 7.83(SD=8.89) times in the behavioral character domain
The second; As a result, three factors in consciousness part (Information · Easiness · Concentration of mind factors) from the regression analysis effected to the overall estimation with signification statistically.
In the opinion of the author with referring to the result of the study, therefore, The Web site of Korean professional sports league need a strategy to offer information service without delaying and to funny · convenience contents for increasing the power of influence in concentration of mind and Easiness factor and make progressing ability of communication contents.
Key Words
professional sports, web site, service quality
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional baseball team 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로야구 구단 입장수입규모에 따른 마케팅 차별화 방안
43(1) 445-457, 2004
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional baseball team 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로야구 구단 입장수입규모에 따른 마케팅 차별화 방안
The purpose of this study is that we grasp a specific of sports marketing classified by professional baseball team search for different marketing strategy which meets each professional team.
The object of this study limits to professional baseball among the kinds of sports. There are 108 staffs who work for 8 comtemporary professional baseball team in our research.
First of all we confirm that suitable definition to this research is a single dimension with using Croobach’s Alpha. To analyse differences among marketing strategies in professional baseball teams, we use one-way ANOVA. After this test we do Scheffe’s various examination.
The object of study are 108 staffs who work for 8 professional baseball teams. We can conclude these followed from the result of study.
1) In the case of professional baseball teams, they should solve the problem of places and facilities on which income of teams depends. So they would increase their income and contribute to the society.
2) Each professional baseball team should get proper Marketing strategy for place of stadiums and facilities to develop their team and have more fans.
3) Professional baseball team and front staffs should set up the long plan than fans can go to the stadium comfortably by public traffic. So they should try to let the audiences watch a game more comfortable and easier than earlier.
4) It needs financial help of the big company in order to develope professional baseball. Also front staffs should be managed effectively and they should make a marketing strategy for meeting their own characteristic. Furthermore they should continue to have a communication with fans and fan clubs.
To attain this end, they should need the price which meets fans and audiences, facilities, various promotion. And then they should use these components effectively.
Key Words
professional baseball team, marketing analysis
The Changes in Movement Control Patterns as a Function of Wrist Constraints and Skill Levels 무용학 : 손목속박 유형과 기술수준에 따른 무용동작의 상지 제어패턴 변화
김윤진KimYunJin , 안문경AnMunGyeong
43(1) 459-467, 2004
The Changes in Movement Control Patterns as a Function of Wrist Constraints and Skill Levels 무용학 : 손목속박 유형과 기술수준에 따른 무용동작의 상지 제어패턴 변화
김윤진KimYunJin , 안문경AnMunGyeong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the movement control patterns in the Korean dance. The conditions of wrist constraints were manipulated based on the concepts of constraints that Newell defined(1986). The first independent variable was wrist constraints experimentally manipulated into three conditions; bare hands, hands holding wood stick, hands holding wood stick and silk. The second independent variable was levels of the Korean dance skill; low and high. All 16 subjects of two different skill levels were required to perform the Korean dance movement in three wrist constraints, i.e., in a 2(skill levels)×3(wrist constraints)×2(movement phases) factorial design. End points of hands, wrist joints, elbow joints and shoulder joints of all subjects were marked, and these joint angles were cinematographically analyzed using digital video camera and KWON3D(version 3.0) motion analyzer. Angular changes of three joints were analyzed as a function of experimental conditions. Analyses of data revealed that: the changes of wrist joint angles differed significantly as skill levels; the changes of wrist and shoulder joint angles differed with the conditions of wrist constraints in addition to the interaction effect between skill levels and wrist constraints. It was concluded that the control patterns of upper body joints were affected by wrist constraints as well as by the skill levels. Also the skill levels affected distal segments while the wrist constraints affected proximal segments.
Key Words
Skill level, movement control, constraint, coordination
Clinical properties of dysmenorrhea to dance type in women dancers 무용학 : 무용수들의 전공 유형에 따른 월경현상에 관한 조사연구
박경혜ParkGyeongHye , 엄한주EomHanJu
43(1) 469-476, 2004
Clinical properties of dysmenorrhea to dance type in women dancers 무용학 : 무용수들의 전공 유형에 따른 월경현상에 관한 조사연구
박경혜ParkGyeongHye , 엄한주EomHanJu
The propose of this study was to clarify the clinical properties of dysmenorrhea and change pattern by excessive training in women dancers. Korean professional women dancers (n=224) who participated in regular training completed a questionnaire about menstrual symtoms and evaluated pain scale.
Women dancers were asked to state the degree of dysmenorrhea according to pain scale. The results of pain scale by dysmenorrhea were follows:
1) 60.7% of the participants were scaled at 4-5.
2) 21.9% of the participants were scaled at 6-7.
3) 12.9% of the participants were scaled at 2-3.
4) 2.7% of the participants were scaled at 8-10
5) 1.8% of the participants were scaled at 0-1.
Statistical analyses revealed that there was a significant difference in the intensity of pain by dysmenorrhea- induced pain across dance type(x²=24.63, p<001), suggestion a trend in the negative effect of excessive training on dysmenorrhea. On the other hand, no significant differences in menstrual cycle, menstrual flow amount, premenstrual syndrome, and dysmenorrhea symptoms were found across the dance type.
Key Words
women dancer, dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain
Teacher Education and the Direction of Dance Teacher Research 무용학 : 교사교육과 무용교사연구의 방향
박중길ParkJungGil , 장선애JangSeonAe
43(1) 477-484, 2004
Teacher Education and the Direction of Dance Teacher Research 무용학 : 교사교육과 무용교사연구의 방향
박중길ParkJungGil , 장선애JangSeonAe
The purpose of this study was to explore the direction of teacher education and dance teacher research in order to provide some useful information for professional enhancement of dance teachers. For this, the researchers reviewed related articles about general pedagogy and physical education teacher education. Dance educators have ignored the importance and systematic training of dance education and dancer teacher education for a long time in Korea. For separating dance area into physical education and developing as a independent course of study, people should understand the research area of dance pedagogy and conduct researches on expertise in teaching dance. Also people should understand the process of occupational socialization in teaching and apply it into field research. For changing the paradigm of dance education in Korea, Dance educators mast study the teacher socialization process constantly and investigate factors affecting career identity development of dance teachers.
Key Words
dance teacher, teacher’s education
Comparison of Pelvic Misalignments between Dance Majors and Non-Majors 무용학 : 무용전공 여대생과 일반 전공여대생의 골반변위 비교
이애덕LeeAeDeok , 이주립LeeJuLib
43(1) 485-493, 2004
Comparison of Pelvic Misalignments between Dance Majors and Non-Majors 무용학 : 무용전공 여대생과 일반 전공여대생의 골반변위 비교
이애덕LeeAeDeok , 이주립LeeJuLib
This study was performed to identify the characteristics of pelvic misalignments between dance(ballet, korean dance)majors and non-majors, especially to identify if dance has influence on the pelvic deviations in those majors. The subjects of this research were 12 ballet majors and 17 korean dance majors with more than 10 years of dance career, and 22 non-majors without exercise regularly with no history of delivery.
The result showed that ilium length was statistically significant between korean dance majors and non-majors(U=106.000, p<.05). External misalignments was statistically significant between ballet majors and non- majors(U=4.500, p<.05). Also, Ilium length, anterior superior misalignments was statistically significant between ballet majors and korean dance majors(U=59.500, p<.05)(U=1.500, p<.05).
There were some differences of the misalignments but they were not statistically significant. It was thought to be necessary that correct provision of exercise method to prevent misalignments and disease due to pelvic misalignments and to be recommended that postural evaluation system should be introduced for early detection.
Key Words
pelvic, misalignments
Consecutive half days Cross-Country Ski on Plasma Glucose and Lipids in College Students 운동생리학: 대학생의 연속적 반일(half-day)크로스-컨트리 훈련시 심박수, 혈장 글루코스 지질 변화
강찬금KangChanGeum , 박은혜ParkEunHye
43(1) 495-500, 2004
Consecutive half days Cross-Country Ski on Plasma Glucose and Lipids in College Students 운동생리학: 대학생의 연속적 반일(half-day)크로스-컨트리 훈련시 심박수, 혈장 글루코스 지질 변화
강찬금KangChanGeum , 박은혜ParkEunHye
The present study was undertaken to investigate on fat and carbohydrates metabolism after consecutive half days cross-country ski performance.
Five male and five female members of the physical education students at the D university. The average ages, height and body weight of the 10 subjects were 22.6+221 years for males and 226±270 years for females, 173.60+230cm for males and 162.00+ 6.52cm for females, and 75.00±10.63Kg for males and 54.00±5.83Kg for females. The subjects played cross-country ski ski down a hill ten times per half a day. Each subject recorded heart rate by polar system, speed and time of average ski performance by GPS(Korea). In cross-country ski, the 10-ml blood samples were takan the antecubital vein before and after half a day exercise, when first day at evening, second and thired day at noon and evening, fourth day at noon. The sample were later assayed. The glucose, triglyceride, Cholesterol concentrations were measured with spectrophotometric(Hitachi, Japan) by using an enzymatic, colorimetric procedure.
All data are expressed as means±SD. In maximal exercise, the data recorded during the before exercise and at exhaustion were statistically tested using.
The results were follows.
Compared with "the mean HR and blood glucose of first half day of cross-country ski" values, the mean HR blood glucose during second half day of cross-country ski cross-country ski were significantly (P < 0.01) decreased. Compared with "preexercise" values, the mean glucose concentration on first and fourth half day ski were significantly (P < 0.05) increased. And plasma glucose levels were similar at rest in the trials. Compared with "preexercise" values, TG concentration on first to sixth half day ski were significantly (P < 0.05) increased TC concentration on first to sixth half day ski were significantly (P < 0.05) increased. Compared with "preexercise" values, HDL-C concentration on first to sixth half day ski were significantly (P < 0.05) increased.
No differences in HR, glucose, TG, T-C, HDL, LDL values were observed between the two trials on consecutive half days downhill ski performance.
Key Words
consecutive half days cross-country, glucose, Triglyceride, cholesterol
The Effects of Workstyle on Body Composition, Myocardial Oxygen Uptake, ST segment at Exercise Testing in Middle aged Men 운동생리학 : 중년남성의 업무형태가 운동부하검사 시 심혈관계 요인과 심전도 ST분절에 미치는 영향
김석희KimSeogHui , 이창호LeeChangHo , 송선영SongSeonYeong
43(1) 501-508, 2004
The Effects of Workstyle on Body Composition, Myocardial Oxygen Uptake, ST segment at Exercise Testing in Middle aged Men 운동생리학 : 중년남성의 업무형태가 운동부하검사 시 심혈관계 요인과 심전도 ST분절에 미치는 영향
김석희KimSeogHui , 이창호LeeChangHo , 송선영SongSeonYeong
This study is to investigate the effects of workstyle activity on body composistion and EKG in middle aged men. We enrolled 36 men who aged 31~56 year were checked by medical process, graded exercise test, and fitness test.
Subjects were divided into 3 group that were sedentary, standing, and exercise. The body composition including %Body Fat, BMI, LBM, and WHR were measured. The resting and exercise rate-product could be measured with HR, SBP for myocardial oxygen uptake measurement. The electrocardiogram ST segment was measured. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of One-way ANOVA and tukey.
In results of this were as follwed :
1. The exercise group showed significant difference on %Fat lower than sitting group(p<.05).
2. The exercise group showed significant difference on rest and maxiaml HR(p<.05).
3. The exercise group were showed significant difference on rest, recovery of systolic BP(p<.05).
4. In EKG response, rest and recovery of MVQ₂ showed significant difference in exercise group (p<0.05). Rest, maximal and recovery of V5 ST slope were showed significant difference in exercise groups (p<0.Q5). Maximal and recovery of V5 ST level were showed significant difference in exercise groups (p<0.05).
5. The exercise group were showed significantly on Exercise time, and VO₂max higher than other groups(p<.05) Conclusively, middle aged men were affected with workstyle or physcial activity. therefore, these data suggest that middle aged men must increase their leasure time in daily for protecting degenerative chronic disease.
Key Words
workstyle, body composition, MVO2, ST segment, ST slope
The changes of ST segment depression and QRS vector in the athletes 운동생리학 : 운동종목별 선수들의 ST 분절 하강 및 QRS 벡터의 변화
윤성YunSeong , 김남익KimNamIg
43(1) 509-520, 2004
The changes of ST segment depression and QRS vector in the athletes 운동생리학 : 운동종목별 선수들의 ST 분절 하강 및 QRS 벡터의 변화
윤성YunSeong , 김남익KimNamIg
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of the ST segment depression(Sr/HR slope) and QRS vector axis, QRS vector amplitude in the athletes. The subjects consisted 42 college student men, aged 19-21 years were checked by a measurement of body fat and blood pressure, and exercise stress testing. Subjects were divided into five groups such as baseball group(n=8), basketball group(n=9), soccer group(n=8), icehockey group(n=7) and rugby group(n=10). HR, SBP, MVC₂, VO₂ and ST segment were measured during exercise with Bruce protocol. During the graded treadmill exercise testing, ECG was recorded and analysed ST segment position at V2 and V5 leads and then adjusted by ST`/HR slope. QRS vector were measured from lead I and III in frontal plane, from lead V₂ and V6 in horizontal plane. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of oneway ANOVA and paired West. Results of this study were as follows; In the cardiovascular system function, resting and maximal heart rate was significantly higher in soccer and rugby group than other groups, resting MVQ₂ was significantly higher in soccer group than icehockey groups. In the ST segment, rest V5 ST slope was significantly higher in soccer group than baseball and icehockey groups, max V5 ST slope was significantly higher in basketball group than icehockey groups. VC₂max was significantly higher in soccer group than baseball and basketball groups, and significantly higher in rugby and icehockey group than baseball groups. Exercise time was significantly higher in soccer and rugby group than other groups. When ST/HR slope was compared with ST segment, ischemic symptoms were apt to early diagnose in ST/HR slope than ST segment. Especially, the maximal ST depression of soccer and rugby groups was -4.09μV, 0.78μV that was abnormal values indicating ischemic prognostics, but in V5 ST/HR slope, soccer group was showed on the upsloping. In the QRS vector, frontal axis was significantly lower in rugby and icehockey group than other groups. And rest horizontal axis was significantly higher in baseball group than icehockey and basketball groups. These results indicated that the ST/HR slope and QRS vector by cardiovascular system function were increased in the soccer and rugby players.
Key Words
ST segment depression, ST/HR slope, QRS vector, axis, amplitude
Effects of long-term training on blood coagulation and anticoagulants of resting and after high-intensity exercise 운동생리학 : 장기간 트레이닝이 안정시 및 고강도 운동 후의 혈액 응고와 항응고 성분에 미치는 영향
Effects of long-term training on blood coagulation and anticoagulants of resting and after high-intensity exercise 운동생리학 : 장기간 트레이닝이 안정시 및 고강도 운동 후의 혈액 응고와 항응고 성분에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise type on the blood concentration of coagulants and anticoagulants. Twenty four male volunteers (aged 17-22 years old) consisting of athletes and university undergraduate students were divided into the following 4 groups based on the type of exercise they participated in; sedentary students (group A); a combined active group who participated in regular running and weight training (group B); an athlete group of professional weight lifters (group C); and an athlete group of professional tennis players (group D). The athletes had an athletic carrier ranging from 5 to 10 years. The bloods concentrations of coagulants and anticoagulants including platelet count, fibrinogen, aPTT, FT, AT HI, protein C activity were measured before, immediately after and 1-hr after a maximum treadmill exercise using Bruce protocol. The following results were obtained:
1. The group A, compared to the groups B, C and D had significantly(p<.001) higher platelet count and fibrinogen concentrations at rest, immediately after and 1 hr after the exercise.
2. The mean resting aPTT was significantly(p<.001) longer in the group A than in the groups B, C and D, with no significant group differences immediately after and 1 hr after the exercise.
3. The mean PT was significantly(p=.027) shorter in group C and D than in the group A and B.
4. The AT III concentration of resting and recovery was significantly higher in group D.
5. The group A, compared to the groups B, C and D had significantly(p<.001) difference protein C activity at rest, immediately after and 1 hr after the exercise.
The results of the current study suggest that regardless of its types, exercise decreases mean platelet count and mean fibrinogen concentration, implying favourable effects in the anticoagulation system.
Effects of Physique Component, Skinfolds, Health Consciousness, and Fitness on the Energy Expenditure of Male Children 운동생리학 : 남자 어린이의 에너지 소비량에 대한 체격요소, 피부두겹두께, 건강인식 및 체력의 영향 분석
이동규LeeDongGyu , 이병근LeeByeongGeun , 윤재량YunJaeLyang
43(1) 535-547, 2004
Effects of Physique Component, Skinfolds, Health Consciousness, and Fitness on the Energy Expenditure of Male Children 운동생리학 : 남자 어린이의 에너지 소비량에 대한 체격요소, 피부두겹두께, 건강인식 및 체력의 영향 분석
이동규LeeDongGyu , 이병근LeeByeongGeun , 윤재량YunJaeLyang
The purpose of this study was to inquire the effects of physique component, skinfolds, health consciousness, and fitness on the energy expenditure of male children. The subjects were 28 boys in 5th- and 6th-grade(11.2±0.2yrs, 146.5±6.6cm, 39.6±7.0kg). The energy expenditure were measured by mechanical device(Caltrac accelerometer) for 3~7 days. The questionnaire on health consciousness was modified from the domestic leisure survey(1995) and Kim, S,K.(1996). The fitness items were right and left grip strength, 100m run, pull ups, sit ups, throwing, 600m run, fitness index, and fitness grade. There were significant correlation among activity energy expenditure, total energy expenditure, and activity energy expenditure ratio. The energy expenditure had higher correlation with physique variables such as weight, and height than with body fat variables such as % fat, and skinfolds. The strength and power variables such as left and right grip strength, long jump, and throwing had significant correlation with activity energy expenditure, activity energy expenditure ratio, fitness, and fitness grade. Long jump had a significant correlation with 3 energy expenditure variables. As a results of multiple regression by physique components, both activity energy and total energy expenditure were effected by weight, and activity energy expenditure ratio was effected by height. As a results of regression by health consciousness and body symptoms, activity energy expenditure was effected by consciousness of exercise effects and cardiorespiratory symptoms, activity energy expenditure ratio was effected consciousness of exercise effects. As a results of regression by fitness, both activity energy expenditure and activity energy expenditure ratio were effected by long jump, and total energy expenditure was not effected by any variables. As a results of regression by all of variables, activity energy expenditure was effected by consciousness of exercise effects, % fat, long jump, and cardiorespiratory symptom(P<.01), total energy expenditure was effected by weight and cardiorespiratory symptom(P<.05), activity energy expenditure ratio was consciousness of exercise effects, % fat, fitness index, 100m running(P<01).
Key Words
energy expenditure, male children, physique component, health consciousness, health
The change in body fat and bone mineral contents of d enervated rats after 4weeks of aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 신경절제한 흰쥐의 4주간 유산소운동시 체지방량 및 골함량의 변화
This study shows how exercise has an effect on the body fat and bone mineral contents of denervated rats in femur. In this study, we divided the 17 Sprague-Dawley rats cut femur nerve of the left hind leg into two groups; one is the group that we let the rats doing aerobic exercise for 4weeks and the other is the group that we didn`t let them doing aerobic exercise. And measured the body fat and bone mineral contents of two groups and analyzed the results.
First, the body fat is significantly lowered at the Rear and front legs of the exercise group after exercise and also there is significant difference between the trunk and the total body fat but the numerical value is lowered. The body fat of the control group is significantly high at the rear and front legs, trunk and total body fat.
Second, the bone mineral content of exercise group is significantly high at the left front leg as well as the right, additionally there is no significant difference in the control group but the numerical value is a bit higher.
In the bone mineral content both the exercise group and control group have significant differences on the left rear leg, especially the control group has a great diminution. The bone mineral content is significantly high at the right rear leg in the exercise group and the control group but there is a greater increase in the exercise group. The bone mineral content of the trunk and total tone mineral contents are significantly high in all the exercise and the control groups.
Based on this experiment, exercise seems to be effective on losing the body fat, preventing the loss of the tone mineral content at paralyzed legs. Therefore, it is expected that appropriate body weight loading exercise can keep off the loss of tone mineral content for the patient who has an innate paralysis at the lower limbs or is paralyzed due to the injured nerve from the other impact.
Key Words
body fat, bone mineral contents, denervated rat
The effect of 10km running for a long term on the bone metabolism 운동생리학 : 장기간의 10㎞ 달리기가 골대사 변화에 미치는 영향
The subjects are 7 male high school students and university students in K area who want to take participate in the training program that aims at running the whole race in 10km marathon. The subjects understand purpose of this study according to the relation between a long distance race and bone metabolism and healthy people with no experience of marathon, we got conclusion as follows:
1. In the matter of the physical feature, there is significant difference (p<.01) in weight, the rate of body fat, the amount of body fat, the rate of abdomen fat, and the amount of muscle of before/after training.
2. In the matter of change of mark of bone metabolism, there is a little change after training in calcitonine, paratyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase, but there is no significant difference while he significant difference is shown in the osteocalcin and deoxypyridinoline.
3. The decreasing Ca and P after marathon training for 6months is adaptive phase for marathon, there is not shown significant difference by excess exhaustion of physical force and/or hard exercise which are caused Ca and P by using energy source but this is considered as decreasing a little.
Key Words
10㎞ marathon, calcitonine, parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphorus
The Ankle Strength, Balance and Functional Ability of the Adolescent Volleyball Players with Functional Ankle Instability 운동생리학 : 기능적 발목관절 불안정성 청소년 배구 선수들의 발목주위 근력, 균형 및 기능적 능력
The Ankle Strength, Balance and Functional Ability of the Adolescent Volleyball Players with Functional Ankle Instability 운동생리학 : 기능적 발목관절 불안정성 청소년 배구 선수들의 발목주위 근력, 균형 및 기능적 능력
The purpose of this study wes to investigate the ankle strength, balance and functional ability of the adolescent volleyball players with functional ankle instability. The subjects were 12 male(functional ankle instability group) and 10 male(stable group) who could accept the physical examination and questionnaire. In this study, the peak torque, %BW peak torque, balance ability and functional ability were measured.
The results are summarized as follows;
1) Ankle peak torque during concentric contraction.
(1) Inverter peak torque were 38.1±6.3· 49.9±7.7Nm at 60°/sec, 23.8±4.4· 34.1±5.4Nm at 180°/sec(p< .05).
(2) Evertor peak torque were 24.8+4.5·325±7.7Nm at 60°/sec, 19.3±3.2·24.5±4.3Nm at 120°/sec(p< .05).
(3) Plantar flexor peak torque were 113.5±5.0·129.4ill.5Nm at 307sec, 91.5±11.8·106.7±l6.0Nm at 60˚/sec, 26.1+5.6· 92.4±17.6Nm at 120°/sec(p< .05).
2) Ankle %BW peak torque during concentric contraction.
(1) Evertor %BW peak torque were 32.5±4.3·45.1±7.8Nm at 60˚/sec, 24.8±3.9·34.2±4.8Nm at 120°/sec, 19.7±2.1· 26.1±5.6Nm at 180°/sec(p<.05).
(2) Plantar flexor %BW peak torque were 149.3±25.9·166.3±24.3Nm at 30˚/sec, 120.2±3.9·149.5±22.8Nm at 60` /sec(p<.05).
(3) Dorsiflexor %BW peak torque were 44.2±5.6ㆍ49.5±5.5Nm at 30°/sec(p< .05).
1),1) 2) Were significantly different(p< .05),
3) The balance ability of functional ankle instability and stable group were 14.8±3.9ㆍ34.5±19.9sec in significantly different(p<.05).
4) The Functional ability of functional ankle instability and stable group were not significantly different.
The strengthening of gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneal musde is considered to be the rehabilitation program plan of functional ankle instability. Further prospective study is needed to determine the proprioception training using the visuo-perceptual biofeedback and the criterion of functional ankle ability.
The Effects of Aerobic and Aerobic Combined with Resistance Exercise on the charges of Blood Lipid Profiles, Serum Leptin and Insulin in Obese Middle-School Students Boys 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 유산소 및 저항운동의 병행이 비만 남자 중학생의 혈중지질, 렙틴 및 인슐린에 미치는 영향
최춘길ChoeChunGil , 이용수LeeYongSu
43(1) 579-588, 2004
The Effects of Aerobic and Aerobic Combined with Resistance Exercise on the charges of Blood Lipid Profiles, Serum Leptin and Insulin in Obese Middle-School Students Boys 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 유산소 및 저항운동의 병행이 비만 남자 중학생의 혈중지질, 렙틴 및 인슐린에 미치는 영향
최춘길ChoeChunGil , 이용수LeeYongSu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of aerobic exercise and aerobic with resistance exercise on the changes of blood lipid profiles and hormone in obese middle school students boys. Aerobic exercise group(ni-=10) practiced the aerobic exercise with treadmill and bicycle erogometer 45minutes in a bout, four times a week at the intensity of 60% HRmax. The aerobic exercise with resistance exercise group(n=10) practiced the aerobic and resistance exercise during the same time. Resistance exercise consisted of the 5 item weight and the subjects`s own body weight at a level of 60% 1RM
The result and conclusion of this study were as follows :
1. There changes of blood lipids such as TC and TG were decreased significantly after 8weeks of all the exercise type(p<.05). And, HDL-C was increased respectively, but there was no significant difference between two groups.
2. The changes of leptin in the aerobic with resistance exercise group was decreased significantly after 8weeks of exercise(p<.05). but there was no significant difference between two groups.
3. The changes of insulin in the aerobic exercise and the aerobic with resistance exercise were decreased significantly after 4 weeks and 8weeks of exercise. but there was no significant difference between two groups.
Key Words
aerobic combined with resistance exercise, lipotoxicity, triglyceride, leptin, insulin
Effect of clenbuterol supplemention on muscle damage marks in rats 운동생리학 : 클렌부테롤 투여가 흰쥐의 근 부상 후 회복에 미치는 영향
허만동HeoManDong , 손태열SonTaeYeol
43(1) 589-598, 2004
Effect of clenbuterol supplemention on muscle damage marks in rats 운동생리학 : 클렌부테롤 투여가 흰쥐의 근 부상 후 회복에 미치는 영향
허만동HeoManDong , 손태열SonTaeYeol
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of clenbuterol supplementation on chemical markers of muscle damage, which occurs during downhill treadmill running(16% decline, 30m/min, 1h), in 30 Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were randomly divided into three groups. They were control group(CON), clenbuterol adminstration group(CB), and recovery clenbuterol adminstration group(RCB). The chemical markers examined in this study included metabolic enzymes such as creatine phosphokinase(CPK), lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and hormones(testosterone and cortisol) in circulating plasma. In addition, plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, leptin and lipids were also measured along with muscle mass, retroperitoneal fat mass, running time to exhaustion, two-way ANOVA followed by LSD post hoc tests were used to test possible group by treatment interactions, and the results were as follows:
1) With respect to plasma CPK, LDH activity, there were significant group and time main effects(p<.05 respectively), with no significant group by time interaction. 2) There was a significant group by time interaction for testosterone and cortisol levels, such that the RCB group had significantly higher values than the control and the RCB group at the 48-hr postexercise period. 3) There were no significant group differences in body weight changes, but respect to the ratio of hindlimb muscle mass to body weight, the CB and RCB groups had significantly higher values than control(p<.05). With respect to the ratio of retroperitoneal fat to body weight, treatment groups had significantly lower values than the control(p<.05). 4) With respect to plasma glucose concentrations, there were similar trends with plasma insulin concentrations. 4) With respect to glucose, plasma lipids, insulin, leptin and TG concentration the treatment group had a significantly lower than control group(p<.05). 5) With respect to run time to exhaustion, the control group had a significantly longer time than the CB, or the RCB group(p=.001). In conclusion, the finding that the RCB group had significantly lower CPK, LDH activities than the other groups suggests that RCB administration can attenuate CFK, LDH activity associated with muscle damage.
The Study on the Bone Mineral Density Level and Nutrition Caloric Intake in Female Dancers 운동생리학 : 여성무용수의 골밀도 수준과 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구
홍미경HongMiGyeong , 안의수AnUiSu , 손태열SonTaeYeol
43(1) 599-611, 2004
The Study on the Bone Mineral Density Level and Nutrition Caloric Intake in Female Dancers 운동생리학 : 여성무용수의 골밀도 수준과 영양섭취상태에 관한 연구
홍미경HongMiGyeong , 안의수AnUiSu , 손태열SonTaeYeol
The purpose of this study were to examine the bone mineral density(BMD) of the dancers in three dance sub-majors and non dancer women(from 23 to 30 years old) who might maintain maximum BMD throught their life time and provide a useful data in relation to the factors contributing to BMD by comparing their BMDs with their daily nutritional and caloric intake. The subject of this study were pre-menopause women who were 23 to 30 old and expected to be able to acquire their peak bone mass. The sub-major dance group were korean dance, ballet, modern dance, non-dance group. Fifteen women among total 60 women belonged to each group and they had average 13 year-career. And non-dance group which is the women who have not done body work professionally. Therefore the total member is 60. We analyzed the BMD test is analyze the lumber vertebrae(lumber 1-lumber 4) and femur BMD(femur neck, femur troch, femur wards) by using of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DFXA). Nutrition caloric intake is written by subject for themselves. They wrote concretely what they ate for 1 week and it divided breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. It take average daily caloric intake, and analyze it by using a Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program(CAN-program) each group. However nutrition caloric intake is except the data which is rot collected again and written insincerity. So the total member is 40.
The results of this study was summarized as the follows.
1. The BMD of lumber and femur in dance group were significantly higher than non-dance group. The BMD of lumber modern dance, korean dance, ballet, non-dance group in the order especially modem dance group were significantly higher than dance group and non-dance group(p<.05). The BMD of femur has modern dance, ballet, korean dance, non-dance group in the order especially modern dance, ballet group were significantly higher than korean dance and non-dance group(p<.05). The cause of each major dance group`s BMD of lumber and femur has difference is related with motion form as each group.
2. There is no difference in nutrition caloric intake except that caloric intake of dance group is lower than non-dance group. All of group intake lower nutrition caloric intake compare than exhort quantity. Therefore, if it is maintained little nutrition caloric intake, it will give a bad affection not only BMD prevention dimension but also keeping good health.
In conclusion, BMD is the motion form of modern dance group is give affirmative effect. And also it give bad effect to BMD that wrong food habit of modern women and life style. Therefore, it needs improve one`s diet and body work which is a form of weight-bearing exercise. As we saw, the each major dancer`s BMD value difference who is in period can acquire maximum BMD is means that it needs next study deal with how to continuous dance activity give an effect to BMD and nutrition caloric intake which is related with BMD value give whether maintained or not to dancer who is after menopause.
Key Words
bone mineral density, nutrition caloric intake
A Short-term administration effect of L-Carnosine on Antioxidant defense system during Exercise 운동영양학 : 운동시 항산화계에 미치는 L-Carnosine의 단기간 섭취효과
김현태KimHyeonTae , 이상훈LeeSangHun
43(1) 613-621, 2004
A Short-term administration effect of L-Carnosine on Antioxidant defense system during Exercise 운동영양학 : 운동시 항산화계에 미치는 L-Carnosine의 단기간 섭취효과
김현태KimHyeonTae , 이상훈LeeSangHun
The purpose of this study was to investigate the L-carnosine antioxidant effect against free radical, the effect of short-term carnosine administration on LDH, MDA and SOD activity during transient exhaustive exercise. 48 rats were randomly divided into experimental group(n=24) and control group(n=24). Thus, They were performed exhaustive exercise(28-30m/min, grade 0%) after carnosine administration for 5days in rats, and blood sampling time in rest, exercise 30min, post-exercise, recovery 30min respectively. The results of this study can be summarized as follow: LDH activity and MDA concentration were significantly lower in experimental group, Also, showed significantly higher in exercise-post. SOD activity was significantly lower in all groups. In conclusion, This study demonstrated that carnosine showed postive effect as antioxidant, which was prevent to body damage by exercise induced radical is convert to water or oxygen But, Future study is required to mutiples research of change of carnosine concentration in blood and tissue, concentration of hydrophobic antioxidant such as vitamin E, C and administration volumes.
Performance evaluation of long jump records using an efficiency analysis 운동역학 : 멀리뛰기 기록의 효율성 분석을 이용한 경기력 평가
43(1) 623-632, 2004
Performance evaluation of long jump records using an efficiency analysis 운동역학 : 멀리뛰기 기록의 효율성 분석을 이용한 경기력 평가
The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables of the record decision from used techniques in the men`s long jump final of the Asian Games held in Busan in October 2002 and to provide an evaluation method of the performance using en efficiency. For this study, the subjects were the top 6 finalists in the Games and the 15 trials collected for the best several jumps were analysed. The jump distance was predicted by the approach velocity and the standing height using simple physics calculations of non-aerodynamic projectile flight distance. According to the two most important factors, speed and elevation, in the long jump the subjects were divided by two groups. The focus areas for enhancing performance of a athlete was determined by the efficiency figure which was calculated by the rate of the predicted distance and the real record. In conclusion, the technique of jumpers will need to improvement in the jumping ability at take-off technique or in the approach speed using the efficiency rating.
Key Words
efficiency, long jump, records
The Kinematic analysis of the Approach and the landing motion of 110m Hurdlers 운동역학 : 110m Hurdle 선수의 착지와 이지 동작의 운동학적 분석
이정호LeeJeongHo , 류지선LyuJiSeon , 박영준ParkYeongJun
43(1) 633-645, 2004
The Kinematic analysis of the Approach and the landing motion of 110m Hurdlers 운동역학 : 110m Hurdle 선수의 착지와 이지 동작의 운동학적 분석
이정호LeeJeongHo , 류지선LyuJiSeon , 박영준ParkYeongJun
The purpose of this study was to determine the kinematic variables of the hurdling for a Korean record holder(A) and a national hurdle representative(B) at the second and the tenth hurdle with using cinematography . The results are summarized as follows;
1. In terms of the distance and the height of center of gravity (c.g.) 1) In approach phase, subject A showed longer in horizontal distance from c.g to the hurdle than subject B during the right foot take- off at the Second and the tenth hurdle. 2) In clearance phase, subject A revealed longer in the horizontal distance of c.g from the right foot take-off to the left foot landing than subject B at the second hurdle, and vice versa at the tenth hurdle. 3) In landing phase, subject B showed longer in distance from the hurdle to the left foot landing than subject A at both hurdles. 2. In terms of the angle and the lean of e.g. 1) In approach phase, subject A showed as much as subject B in angle of the eg and the lean to front during the right foot take-off at the 2nd hurdle, but subject A was less larger in than B during landing at the 10th hurdle. 2) In clearance phase, subject A kept the less angle in the maximum trunk lean to front at the 2nd hurdle as comparison with subject B, but larger angle at the 10th hurdler. 3) landing phase, subject A landed with larger angle of eg during the left foot landing as comparison with subject B at the 2nd hurdle, but opposite at the 10th hurdle. 3. In terms of velocity of eg. 1) In approach phase, subject A showed slower c.g velocity in horizontal direction than subject B during the right foot take-off at the 2nd hurdle, but subject A was faster at the 10th hurdle. In case of resultant velocity of eg in this phase, subject A was faster than subject B at both hurdle. 2) In landing phase, subject A showed slower eg velocity in the horizontal direction during the left foot landing at the 2nd hurdle, but almost same each other at the 10th hurdle. In addition, resultant velocity of eg showed same aspect to both subjects. 4. In terms of the velocity of the knee and the ankle joint. 1) In approach phase, subject A showed faster in the resultant velocity of the left knee joint swing than subject B during the right foot take-off at the 2nd hurdle, but slower at the 10th hurdle. Moreover, subject A showed faster in the resultant velocity of the ankle joint at the both hurdles. 2) In landing phase, subject A showed faster in the resultant velocity of the right knee joint swing during the left tot landing at both hurdles. In addition, subject A was faster in resultant velocity of the ankle joint at the 2nd hurdle, but slower at the 10th hurdle.
The effect of judge’s severity and major on dance performance judgement 측정평가 : 심사자의 엄격성과 전공유형이 무용 연기력 판정에 미치는 효과
최윤선ChoeYunSeon , 강상조KangSangJo
43(1) 647-659, 2004
The effect of judge’s severity and major on dance performance judgement 측정평가 : 심사자의 엄격성과 전공유형이 무용 연기력 판정에 미치는 효과
최윤선ChoeYunSeon , 강상조KangSangJo
Holistic method relies heavily on performance assessment by multiple judges in dance. However, the assessment itself can be influenced by the judge’s severity and inconsistency unlike the dance performance measures. The purpose of the study was to examine the differences of judge’s severity and inconsistency among the dancer’s different performance levels, using the many-faceted Rasch measurement model on the data from the dance contest. The data consisted of six judges’ rating of 478 junior and senior high school’s dancers on each of three events (Korean, Modern, & Ballet).
The many-faceted Rasch measurement model was used to calibrate the judges’ score, and 6 facets were defined. Judges’ severity and inconsistency were examined by Infit and Outfit statistics and reliability of separation index. Results showed that 1) judges’ level of severity was different from dance events; 2) judges maintained their level of severity; and 3) the many-faceted Rasch measurement model demonstrated a psychometrically appropriate technique for informing the fairness of the judges.
Effects of 9weeks aerobic exercise on serum Leptin, Insulin and Cortisol concentration in female with moderate mental retardation 특수체육 : 9주간 유산소 운동이 중도 정신지체 여성의 혈청 Leptin, Insulin, Cortisol 농도에 미치는 영향
43(1) 661-671, 2004
Effects of 9weeks aerobic exercise on serum Leptin, Insulin and Cortisol concentration in female with moderate mental retardation 특수체육 : 9주간 유산소 운동이 중도 정신지체 여성의 혈청 Leptin, Insulin, Cortisol 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 9weeks training program on fat(%), Vo₂nax, leptin, insulin and cortisol. Twenty women with mental retardation (age 27.2±5.15, weight 51.5±7.12) who had not performed regular exercise in previous 2 year were studied Subjects were divided into control (n=10) and experimental group (n=10) and had similar intelligence quotients (IQs) as previously determined on the Stanford Binet Scale. All the subjects were classified as a moderate mental retardation status as their intelligent quotients (IQs) was shown from 35 to 49. The training program consisted of treadmill or cycle ergometer exercise (25-30minutes, 50-70% peak heart rate) and worm up, cooling down (l0minutes respectively). All parameters were measured and analysed before and after training. All exercise sessions took place on a treadmill, performing 20 minutes of running at 2-4nile/hour (3% degree). After 20 mininut work the rate, work rate was gradually increased (0.5mile /hour every 2minutes,1% degree elevation) until exhaustion Blood sample were obtained before, immediately after, and 30minutes later after an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. Significant decrease in body weight and body fat(%) were shown by the chronic exercise while the increased Vo₂max was identified by the chronic exercise. The concentration of leptin did not show any change with acute (including 30minute3 later after completion of maximal exercise test) and chronic exercise. Significant decrease in serum insulin concentration was shown by the acute exercise and chronic exercise enhanced that exercise induced decrease after exhaustion Insulin concentration returned to near-pre exercise level with 30 minutes later. Acute and chronic exercise did not induce any change in cortisol concentration In conclusion, chronic exercise of mentally retarded adult women showed decreased body fat and enhanced metabolic capacity.
Criteria for the evaluation of the daily life activity fitness in the mid-elderly 발육발달 : 중고령자의 일상생활 활동체력 평가기준
43(1) 673-683, 2004
Criteria for the evaluation of the daily life activity fitness in the mid-elderly 발육발달 : 중고령자의 일상생활 활동체력 평가기준
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the activity fitness in the mid-elderly. A total of 171 healthy mid-elderly partidpants(126 males and 45 females) were chosen randomly to measure and evaluate eight fitness activities related to their daily life. They were very active in daily workouts and social activities. In order to investigate profiles in the change of physique and gender differences with respect to their age, means and standard deviations were computed for each age group and gender. A two-way analysis of variance was used to determine whether there were significant differences between gender and among ages. The primary principal component was treated as a fundamental activity fitness in daily life by principal component analysis. Four items in activity fitness were considered as the independent variables while the primary principal component was considered as the dependent variable. Multiple regression analysis was also conducted to determine the regression equation for daily life activity fitness. For each item, 75% was selected to attain criteria for evaluation The results are summarized as follows:
1. The regression equation for activity fitness in the mid-elderly are as follows: For males, AFS == -1.197 - 0.119X1 + 0.014X2 + 0.050X3 - 0.048X4 For females, AFS == -3.475 - 0.133X1 + 0.011X2 + 0.088X3 - 0.091X5 (where Xl= figure 8 walk, X2= one leg balancing with eyes open, X3= peg manipulation using a pegboard, X4= arm curl, and X5= standing up and sitting down from a chair).
2. The 75th percentile of each item in activity fitness were selected for both males and females, the criteria for evaluation were selected as follows: For males, 38.1 kg in grip strength, 35 repetitions of arm curls, 29 repetitions of standing up and sitting down from a chair, 9.7 cm in sit and reach, 60 seconds for one leg balancing with eyes open, 5.4 seconds in 10-m fast walking, 25.3 seconds in figure 8 walk, 40 repetitions of peg manipulation using a pegboard and 24.9% body fat. For females, 26.4 kg in grip strength, 30 repetitions of arm curl, 30 repetitions of standing up and sitting down using a chair, 18.4 cm in sit and reach, 60 seconds for one leg balancing with eyes open, 6.0 seconds in 10-m fast walking, 23.3 seconds in a figure 8 walk, 42 repetitions of peg manipulation using a pegboard, and 33.3% body fat.
Key Words
daily life activity fitness, mid-elderly, percentile evaluation